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Ab Forex

Audusd paritesi ilegili analiz ve hedeflerimiz grafik üzerinde belirtildiği gibidir.

AUDUSD paritesi ile ilgili analiz ve Hedef seviyelerimiz grafik üzerinde belirtildiği gibi olup, paritenin ara Hedef seviyesinde direnç bulması halinde, aktif işlemimiz kapatılarak "Ara Hedef seviyesini" Yukarı yönlü kırması beklenilecek olup, aktif işlemimizin kapatılma Durumu de Es zamanlı olarak üyelerimizle Sms yolu ile paylaşılacaktır.

Eurjpy paritesi il gili analiz ve hedef seviyelerimiz aşağıdaki grafik üzerinde belirtildiği gibidir.

Nzdusd paritesi il gili kısa vadeli analiz ve hedefimizi aşağıdaki grafik üzerinden görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

Usdcad paritesi ilegili uzun vadeli teknik analizimiz aşağıdaki grafik üzerinde belirtildiği gibidir.

* Grafik üzerinde belirtilen direnç aralığımız geçilmediği sürece analizimiz geçerliliğini korumaktadır

Gbpusd paritesi il gili uzun vadeli hedef seviyemi aşağıdaki grafik üzerinde belirtildiği gibidir.

Grafik üzerinde belirtilen direnç aralığı geçilmedikçe analizimiz geçerliliğini korumaktadır.


Mart'2016 (Devam Eden)

Mart'2016 (Devam Eden)

Mart'2016 (Devam Eden)



Şubat / Mart'2016

Şubat / Mart'2016



Aralık'2015 / Ocak'2016


Kasım / Aralık'2015

Kasım / Aralık'2015

Kasım / Aralık'2015



Ağustos / Eylül'2015


Haziran / Temmuz'2015


Forex | Forex Trading | Cambio de divisas

Información Forex Trading FOREX & # 8212; El mercado de divisas (divisas o divisas o FX) es el mercado financiero más líquido con el volumen diario de más de $ 3,2 billones de dólares. Las operaciones en este mercado implican la compra y venta de monedas mundiales tomando el beneficio de la diferencia de cambio. El comercio de divisas puede producir un alto beneficio, pero también es muy arriesgado. Todo el mundo puede participar en el comercio de divisas a través de los corredores de Forex

Martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Hay muchas ventajas diferentes a la negociación de divisas en lugar de futuros o acciones, tales como: 1. Margen más bajo Al igual que los futuros y la especulación de acciones, un comerciante de divisas tiene la capacidad de controlar una gran cantidad de la moneda básicamente mediante la colocación de una pequeña cantidad de margen. Sin embargo, los requisitos de margen que se necesitan para los futuros de negociación son por lo general alrededor del 5% del valor total de la explotación, o el 50% del valor total de las acciones, los requisitos de margen para el forex es de alrededor del 1%. Por ejemplo, el margen requerido para intercambiar divisas es de $ 1000 por cada $ 100,000. Lo que esto significa es que el comercio de divisas, el dinero de un comerciante de divisas puede jugar con 5 veces el valor tanto de producto como un comerciante de futuros, o 50 veces más que un comerciante de acciones. Cuando usted está negociando en margen, esto puede ser una manera muy rentable de crear una estrategia de inversión, pero es importante que tome el tiempo para comprender los riesgos que están involucrados también. Debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente cómo va a funcionar su cuenta de margen. Usted querrá estar seguro de que lea el acuerdo de margen entre usted y su empresa de compensación. También tendrá que hablar con su representante de cuenta si tiene alguna pregunta. Las posiciones que tiene en su cuenta podrían ser parcialmente o completamente liquidadas en la posibilidad de que el margen disponible en su cuenta caiga por debajo de una cantidad predeterminada. Es posible que no obtenga una llamada de margen antes de liquidar sus posiciones. Debido a esto, usted debe monitorear su saldo de margen sobre una base regular y utilizar órdenes de stop-loss en cada posición abierta para limitar el riesgo a la baja. 2. Ninguna Comisión y Sin Comisiones de Intercambio Cuando negocie futuros, tendrá que pagar comisiones de cambio y corretaje. Trading forex tiene la ventaja de ser libre de comisiones. Esto es mucho mejor para ti. El comercio de divisas es un mercado interbancario mundial que permite a los compradores ser emparejados con los vendedores en un instante. A pesar de que no tiene que pagar un cargo de comisión a un corredor para que coincida con el comprador con el vendedor, la propagación es generalmente mayor de lo que es cuando se están negociando futuros. Por ejemplo, si usted estaba negociando un par Yen japonés / dólar estadounidense, el comercio de divisas tendría alrededor de un spread de 3 puntos (por valor de $ 30). La negociación de un comercio de futuros JY muy probablemente tendría un diferencial de 1 punto (valor de $ 10), pero también se le cobrará la comisión del corredor en la parte superior de eso. Este precio podría ser tan bajo como $ 10 en-and-out para el comercio en línea auto-dirigido, o tan alto como $ 50 para el servicio completo de comercio. Sin embargo, es todo incluido precios. Usted va a tener que comparar los forex en línea y su carga de comisión de futuros específicos para ver qué comisión es la mayor. 3. Riesgo limitado y paradas garantizadas Cuando usted está negociando futuros, su riesgo puede ser ilimitado. Por ejemplo, si pensabas que los precios del ganado en vivo iban a continuar su tendencia al alza en diciembre de 2003, justo antes del descubrimiento de la enfermedad de las vacas locas que se encuentra en el ganado estadounidense. El precio después de eso cayó dramáticamente, que movió el límite abajo varios días en una fila. Usted no habría sido capaz de dejar su posición y esto podría haber aniquilado toda la equidad en su cuenta como resultado. Como el precio sólo siguió en la caída, que se han visto obligados a encontrar aún más dinero para compensar el déficit en su cuenta. 4. Rollover de posiciones Cuando los contratos de futuros expiran, usted tiene que planificar con anticipación si va a rollover sus operaciones. Las posiciones de la divisa expiran cada dos días y usted necesita rollover cada comercio apenas de modo que usted pueda permanecer en su posición. 5. Mercado de 24 horas Con futuros, generalmente se limita a negociar sólo durante las pocas horas que cada mercado está abierto en cualquier día. Si una gran noticia sale a la luz cuando los mercados están cerrados, no tendrá forma de salir de ella hasta que el mercado vuelva a abrirse, lo que podría estar a muchas horas de distancia. Forex, por otro lado, es un mercado 24/5. El día comienza en Nueva York, y sigue el sol alrededor del globo a través de Europa, Asia, Australia y de nuevo a los EEUU otra vez. Puede intercambiar cualquier momento que desee de lunes a viernes. 6. Mercado libre El mercado de divisas es tal vez el mercado más grande del mundo con un volumen diario medio de US $ 1,4 billones. Eso es 46 veces más grande que todos los mercados de futuros juntos! Con el gran número de personas que negocian divisas en todo el mundo, es muy difícil para incluso los gobiernos para controlar el precio de su propia moneda. Por David Morrison http://www.

FOREX Bank AB cambia el sistema de lavado de dinero a Trapets InstantWatch AML

FOREX Bank AB ha cambiado su sistema anti-lavado de dinero a InstantWatch AML, proporcionado por Trapets AB.

A partir del 1 de julio es oficial que FOREX Bank AB está en producción y equipado con un estado del sistema de lavado de dinero anti-dinero, InstantWatch AML. InstantWatch AML es un sistema desarrollado por Suecia. Analiza un flujo de transacciones financieras y alertas de acuerdo con un sistema de reglas configurables. El módulo AML proporciona una vigilancia automática contra el lavado de dinero y el financiamiento del terrorismo.

El sistema InstantWatch AML también incluye el acceso a un servicio KYC (Know Your Customer) para la detección automática de clientes contra listas de sanciones y listas de PEP (Persona expuesta política).

La Autoridad de Supervisión Financiera de Suecia ha aumentado sus controles sobre los bancos en relación con sus normas y procedimientos para combatir el blanqueo de dinero y es de gran importancia y prioridad tener un sistema operativo que evite el lavado de dinero. En esta etapa FOREX Bank ha tomado un papel de liderazgo al tener un sistema de AML probado en su lugar.

"De acuerdo con la ambición de FOREX Bank AB de mantener alta calidad en el trabajo para prevenir el lavado de dinero y el financiamiento del terrorismo FOREX ha optado por implementar el sistema Trapets InstantWatch para nuestro monitoreo de transacciones. InstantWatch es una plataforma moderna que mejorará la capacidad de FOREX para mantener y desarrollar un enfoque basado en el riesgo en el monitoreo de transacciones ", dice Mikael Boberg, Director de AML en FOREX Bank AB.

"Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciar a FOREX Bank como nuevo cliente de Trapets. FOREX tiene sucursales en todos los países nórdicos, maneja muchas monedas diferentes, tiene una compleja configuración basada en el riesgo y tiene un gran número de usuarios de InstantWatch ", dice Gunnar Wexell, presidente del directorio de Trapets.

Acerca de FOREX Bank AB

FOREX Bank es desde 1965 líder de mercado en Escandinavia con respecto al cambio de divisas y desde 2003 el banco ofrece una gama creciente de otros servicios bancarios competitivos. FOREX Bank cuenta con 120 sucursales en toda Escandinavia. El Banco atiende anualmente a 10 millones de clientes. Para más información visite: www. forex. se

¿Qué es un patrón ABCD?

* Refleja el estilo común y rítmico en el que se mueve el mercado.

* Un patrón visual / geométrico de precio / tiempo compuesto por 3 oscilaciones de precios consecutivas o tendencias, parece un rayo en la tabla de precios.

* Un indicador principal que ayuda a determinar aproximadamente dónde & amp; Cuándo entrar y salir de un comercio.

¿Por qué es importante el patrón ABCD?

# Ayuda a identificar oportunidades de negociación en cualquier mercado (forex, acciones, futuros, etc.), en cualquier momento (intradía, swing, posición) y en cualquier condición de mercado (alcista, bajista o mercados de alcance) Se basan en (incluir) el patrón ABCD. # La mayor entrada de probabilidad es al completar el patrón (punto D). # Ayuda a determinar el riesgo frente a la recompensa antes de colocar un comercio. # La convergencia de varios patrones dentro del mismo marco de tiempo, o a través de múltiples marcos de tiempo, proporcionan una señal comercial más fuerte.

Entonces, ¿cómo puedo encontrar un patrón ABCD?

Cada patrón tiene una versión alcista y bajista. Los patrones alcistas ayudan a identificar oportunidades de mayor probabilidad de comprar, o ir "largo". Los patrones bajistas ayudan a señalar las oportunidades para "cortos", & rdquo; O vender. Cada punto de inflexión (A, B, C y D) representa una baja significativa significativa o significativa en un gráfico de precios. Estos puntos definen tres oscilaciones de precios consecutivas, o tendencias, que componen cada uno de los tres patrones. Estas se denominan la pata AB, la pata BC y la pata CD.

El comercio no es una ciencia exacta. Como resultado, usamos algunas relaciones clave de relación de Fibonacci para buscar proporciones entre AB y CD. Hacerlo nos dará un rango aproximado de donde puede completar el patrón ABCD, tanto en términos de tiempo como de precio. Esta es la razón por la que los patrones convergentes ayudan a aumentar las probabilidades y permiten a los comerciantes determinar con mayor precisión las entradas y las salidas.

Cada pata de patrón está típicamente dentro de un rango de 3 a 13 barras / velas en cualquier periodo de tiempo dado, aunque p totrales pueden ser mucho más grandes que 13 períodos en un periodo de tiempo dado. Los operadores pueden interpretar esto como un signo para moverse a un período de tiempo más amplio en el cual el patrón encaja dentro de este rango para comprobar la tendencia / convergencia de Fibonacci.

Existen 3 tipos de patrones ABCD (cada uno con una versión alcista y bajista) en los que se deben cumplir criterios / características específicas.

Características del patrón ABCD alcista (comprar en el punto D)

1. Encuentre AB a. El punto A es un valor significativo b. El punto B es una baja significativa c. En el movimiento de A a B no puede haber máximos por encima del punto A, y ningún mínimo por debajo de B

2. Si AB, entonces encuentre BC a. El punto C debe ser inferior al punto A b. En el movimiento de B hasta C no puede haber mínimos por debajo del punto B, ni puntos altos por encima del punto C c. El punto C sería idealmente 61,8% o 78,6% de AB i. En los mercados de tendencia fuerte, BC sólo puede ser 38,2% o 50% de AB

3. Si es BC, dibuje CD a. El punto D debe ser inferior al punto B (el mercado alcanza con éxito un nuevo mínimo) b. En el movimiento de C hacia abajo a D no puede haber puntos altos por encima del punto C, y no hay puntos bajos por debajo del punto D c. Determinar dónde D puede completar (precio) i. CD puede ser igual a AB en precio ii. CD puede ser 127.2% o 161.8% de AB en el precio iii. CD puede ser 127.2% o 161.8% de BC en precio

re. Determine cuándo puede completar el punto D (tiempo) para confirmación adicional i. CD puede ser igual a AB en el tiempo ii. CD puede ser 61,8% o 78,6% de tiempo de AB iii. CD puede ser 127,2% o 161,8% de tiempo de AB

4. Buscar fib, patrón, convergencia de tendencia

5. Observe las brechas de precios y / o barras / velas de gran alcance en la pierna de CD, especialmente cuando el mercado se aproxima al punto D. Los comerciantes pueden interpretar estos como signos de un mercado potencialmente fuerte y esperar ver 127,2% o 161,8%

Características de patrón bajista de ABCD (venta en el punto D)

1. Encuentre AB a. El punto A es una baja significativa b. El punto B es una c alta significativa. En el movimiento de A hasta B no puede haber mínimos por debajo del punto A, ni altos por encima del punto B

2. Si AB, entonces encuentre BC a. El punto C debe ser más alto que el punto A b. En el movimiento de B hacia abajo a C no puede haber puntos altos por encima del punto B, y no hay puntos bajos por debajo del punto C c. El punto C sería idealmente 61,8% o 78,6% de AB i. En los mercados de tendencia fuerte, BC sólo puede ser 38,2% o 50% de AB

3. Si es BC, dibuje CD a. El punto D debe ser más alto que el punto B b. En el movimiento de C hasta D no puede haber mínimos por debajo del punto C, ni puntos altos por encima del punto D c. Determinar dónde D puede completar (precio) i. CD puede ser igual a AB en precio ii. CD puede ser 127.2% o 161.8% de AB en el precio iii. CD puede ser 127.2% o 161.8% de BC en el precio d. Determine cuándo puede completar el punto D (tiempo) para confirmación adicional i. CD puede ser igual a AB en el tiempo ii. CD puede ser 61,8% o 78,6% de tiempo de AB iii. CD puede ser 127,2% o 161,8% de tiempo de AB

4. Buscar fib, patrón, convergencia de tendencia

5. Observe las brechas de precios y / o barras / velas de gran alcance en la pierna de CD, especialmente cuando el mercado se aproxima al punto D. Los comerciantes pueden interpretar estos como signos de un mercado potencialmente fuerte y esperar ver 127,2% o 161,8%

El AB = Ratios, reglas e información del patrón del CD

El modelo AB = CD armónico

Patrones armónicos & # 8211; AB = Modelo CD

El modelo AB = CD es un patrón que fue descubierto por Gartley en 1935. Este patrón se mide en dos movimientos importantes con un movimiento de retroceso en el centro. El primer tramo y el segundo tramo del patrón serán iguales entre sí y el nombre AB = CD entrará en juego. Comenzamos el patrón con la pierna AB seguida de un retroceso que es un amplio rango de un 0.382 a un 0.886 (o casi un retroceso completo de la AB = pierna de CD). Observará que el patrón AB = CD está integrado en las estructuras de otros patrones armónicos que negociamos.

Gartley nos explica en su libro que el patrón AB = CD es un juego de canales, sin embargo, el análisis estadístico nos ha mostrado otros lugares en los que el AB = CD es altamente efectivo y eso queda claro en nuestros miembros. zona. Los huecos cerca del punto de culminación o dentro de la estructura del patrón armónico deben considerarse peligrosos.

Hay más en este patrón cuando hablamos de la alternativa AB = CD, donde hay algunas variaciones de la longitud de la pierna del CD.

Usted querrá ser muy cuidadoso en dónde y cómo usar este patrón, ya que sí requiere que situaciones y eventos específicos se desplieguen. Más sobre esto dentro de nuestros miembros & # 39; zona.

Usted querrá ser muy cuidadoso en dónde y cómo usar este patrón, ya que sí requiere que situaciones y eventos específicos se desplieguen. Más sobre esto dentro de nuestros miembros & # 39; zona.

Interactive Brokers Comentarios

2012/13 Interactive Brokers Comentarios

1 de mayo de 2013 - 30 de abril de 2014

Hola, después de abrir un occount con ellos aprox. Hace tres años con aussie rob willson He leído algunos sobre las revisiones, re tratando de cerrar su cuenta, o transferencia de fundaciones, de su cuenta de comercio de nuevo a su propia cuenta bancaria privada. sincce que el tiempo he negociado con ellos y encontró que ellos Cambiar los datos de la carta para adaptarse a sí mismos en el mercado de futuros. El comercio en vivo, yo recomiendo no utilizarlos, ya que pensé que había cerrado mi cuenta con ellos reciently, y pasó algún tiempo con las llamadas telefónicas, entonces descubro que estoy recibiendo llamadas de margen en mi cuenta, butt He cerrado mi cuenta Y no tienen operaciones en que he colocado. SO IB puso un comercio de bot en el dólar aud. usd con mi permiso o kwnolage para obtener acceso y el bolsillo de los últimos $ 150.00 dólares que se dejó en mi cuenta. para sí mismos. Por lo que habla por sí mismo.

- Revisado por emu, 30 de octubre de 2013. Evaluación = 2/10

2012/13 Interactive Brokers Comentarios

1 de mayo de 2012 - 30 de abril de 2013

Yo uso este corredor para el comercio y sólo quería decir que estoy muy contento con ellos. Todo funciona, y nunca tuve ningún problema con ellos. Pero no confíe en mí, AlphaJudge les dio la mejor revisión de su corredor: http://www. alphajudge. com/interactive-brokers-review/

- Revisado por Ferdinand Tupelez, 22 de abril de 2013. Evaluación = 9/10

Increíblemente baja spreads, horrible servicio al cliente y hasta ahora no hay problema con resbalones.

- Comentado por Wilson, 23 de abril de 2007. Calificación = 8/10

Estado con IB durante años. La ejecución es instantánea. Puede colocar órdenes limitadas dentro de la propagación. API muy avanzada y muchos vendedores para elegir. El extremo delantero que utilizo colocará órdenes de stop y TP al ejecutar un pedido. También colocará los staddles y las órdenes del fade del soporte. Un clic para modificar los pedidos en un DOM. Teclas de acceso rápido. Uno de los corredores más grandes (por seguridad). También puede cambiar todo en un corredor en una cuenta; Futuros, spot, acciones, bonos, opciones, valores internacionales. Los Spreads son pequeños, la ejecución impecable.

- Revisado por Trade888, 7 de abril de 2007. Calificación = 10/10

+ Bajas tasas de negociación. - Quisiera más apalancamiento que 50: 1. - Clunky plataforma. ECN tipo es grande porque no buscan paradas.

- Comentado por sstheo, 1 de marzo de 2007. Evaluación = 7/10

Fueron buenos al principio, pero luego empezaron a llenarme fuera de la propagación y esencialmente robar dinero de mí. También tienen una ejecución horriblemente lenta. La ejecución promedio durante los eventos de noticias es de más de 10 segundos en mi experiencia.

- Revisado por CJ, 23 de agosto de 2006. Calificación = 2/10

2005/06 Interactive Brokers Comentarios

1 de mayo de 2005 - 30 de abril de 2006

Me encanta IB, porque me permiten entrar órdenes de límite dentro de la propagación. También tienen un modelo de ECN-tipo de comercio de divisas, lo cual es genial, porque la propagación en EURUSD puede ser tan baja como 1 pip (+ incluso se puede comprar en la puja).

Puntuación = 10/10 - Diciembre 26, 2005

Programa IB


ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas (Forex) y contratos de diferencias (CFD) es altamente especulativo, con un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted puede sufrir una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido, por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen.

&dupdo; Copyright 2015 - CM Trading - Todos los derechos reservados

Acerca de Forex Introducing Broker (IB)

PaxForex ofrece a sus socios dos formas de CPA de cooperación y rebaja de Lote (ingresos por acciones). Los términos de la cooperación son negociables;

Aumento de la comisión de los socios por operación - hasta 3,2 pips en Mini cuentas, hasta un 80% del spread para cada transacción completa realizada.

Hasta $ 660 CPA. Simple y rentable.

La remuneración de los socios de 3 niveles de clientes referidos incluyendo SUB-IB

Los clientes más están involucrados por el introductor de Forex, que más comisión de este IB recibirá en cada grupo de instrumentos de negociación.

El beneficio del socio es una parte de la propagación en los instrumentos de Forex que negocian los pedidos que son cerrados.


Usted ha atraído a 4 clientes para abrir cuentas comerciales "Mini". Cada uno de sus clientes hizo una transacción comercial en el par de divisas EUR / USD. El volumen de negociación de cada transacción es de 4 lotes. Vamos a calcular la comisión del Agente:

4lots * 4 (número de clientes) * 16 (Comisión por par de divisas EURUSD) = $ 256

Si suponemos que en el mes del calendario hay un promedio de 22 días disponibles para negociar, su cantidad de comisión por mes puede llegar a $ 5632!

Desde que empecé el centro de educación forex en Nigeria me uní a PaxForex. Me pareció que ofrecen excelentes condiciones comerciales y mis estudiantes tienen una gran oportunidad de comenzar su experiencia de comercio con él. A medida que mi centro educativo crece cada año y tengo más de 200 estudiantes mensuales PaxForex me ofrece el estatus de MIB. Esto incrementa significativamente mis ingresos y creo que cooperaré con PaxForex más adelante.

Hairuddin Mat Nusi

Aquí en Malasia forex es muy popular y decidí unirme a PaxForex como IB hace un año. Tengo pocas cuentas en diferentes redes sociales relacionadas con finanzas, acciones y divisas. Estas cuentas son muy populares ya que tengo un montón de suscriptores allí. También me uní a muchos grupos donde la gente habla de divisas, la estrategia de comercio y su experiencia con los corredores. No pasé tanto tiempo durante el día haciendo posts con mi enlace IB, pero el esfuerzo que recibo es significativo. PaxForex ofrece una comisión IB y condiciones comerciales muy altas para mis clientes.

Chaiyutthapon Samranbamrung

Tengo compañía de bienes raíces local en Tailandia y estaba profundamente involucrado en la comunidad local. Como mi comunicación con la gente local me trajo ingresos adicionales, decidí convertirme en representante regional de PaxForex. Comencé la negociación con PaxForex y recibí la confirmación de que soy capaz de ser Representante Regional. Con la ayuda de los gerentes de PaxForex lancé mi nueva oficina. PaxForex corredor de fama mundial y fue muy fácil para mí para vender servicios de corretaje que apoyan con excelente reputación.

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2014. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

Por favor, como PaxForex sitio en su red favorita y obtener acceso a la página gratuita de registro de la cuenta de bonificación!

Página no encontrada

No se pudo encontrar la página solicitada. A continuación, una lista de algunos de los Servicios de Divisas y Divisas de OANDA:

Herramientas de divisas

Negociación de divisas

OANDA fxTrade: & # 160; Comercio en línea de forex

Cuenta demo de comercio de divisas. Practique el comercio de divisas con la versión de demostración de OANDA de su plataforma de comercio de divisas.

OANDA fxMessage: & # 160; Una comunidad abierta creada por personas interesadas en el mercado forex.

Herramientas de cambio para inversionistas

Gráfico de Divisas (fxAnalysis). Java basado en la herramienta de apoyo a la decisión que permite a los inversores de divisas para analizar las divisas múltiples gráficamente.

Noticias del Mercado Cambiario. Intradía los niveles de mercado de divisas y editoriales.

Servicios de divisas para empresas

Tipos de cambio y servicios de datos. Principio de la línea, Foreign Exchange Protocol, automatiza la recuperación de tipos de cambio de divisas directamente a su tienda en línea o negocio.

Moneda de cobertura. Servicios de consultoría profesional.

Localización de monedas para su tienda en línea. Localice los precios de catelog en su sitio web para clientes internacionales.

Las tasas de cambio en su caja de correo electrónico (fxMail). Mesas de moneda diarias, semanales o mensuales directamente en su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico.

& # 169; 1996 - 2015 OANDA Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. "OANDA", "fxTrade" y la familia "fx" de marcas registradas de OANDA son propiedad de OANDA Corporation. Todas las demás marcas registradas que aparecen en este sitio web son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

La negociación con apalancamiento en contratos de divisas u otros productos fuera de bolsa en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos. Le aconsejamos que considere cuidadosamente si el comercio es apropiado para usted a la luz de sus circunstancias personales. Usted puede perder más de lo que invierte. La información en este sitio web es de carácter general. Le recomendamos que busque asesoramiento financiero independiente y le asegure que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados antes de operar. El comercio a través de una plataforma en línea conlleva riesgos adicionales. Consulte nuestra sección legal aquí.

Las apuestas de spread financiero sólo están disponibles para los clientes de OANDA Europe Ltd que residan en el Reino Unido o la República de Irlanda. CFDs, capacidades de cobertura de MT4 y coeficientes de apalancamiento superiores a 50: 1 no están disponibles para los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

OANDA Corporation es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Distribuidor Minorista de Divisas con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. No: 0325821. Por favor refiérase a la ALERTA INVERSOR FOREX de NFA donde sea apropiado.

Las cuentas de OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC están disponibles para cualquier persona con una cuenta bancaria canadiense. OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC está regulada por la Organización de Regulación de la Industria de Inversiones del Canadá (OCRCM) y los depósitos de los clientes están asegurados por el Fondo Canadiense de Protección a los Inversores (CIPF)

OANDA Europe Limited es una empresa registrada en Inglaterra número 7110087 limitada por acciones con domicilio social en la Torre 42, Piso 9a, 25 Old Broad St, Londres EC2N 1HQ y está autorizada y regulada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. No: 542574.

OANDA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No 200704926K) posee una Licencia de Servicios de Mercados de Capital emitida por la Autoridad Monetaria de Singapur y también tiene licencia de la International Enterprise Singapore.

OANDA Australia Pty Ltd está regulada por la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones ASIC (ABN 26 152 088 349, AFSL No. 412981) y proporciona y es el emisor de los productos y / o servicios en este sitio web. Es importante que considere la actual Guía de Servicios Financieros (FSG). Declaración de divulgación del producto (PDS). Términos de cuenta y cualquier otro documento pertinente de OANDA antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión financiera. Estos documentos se pueden encontrar aquí.

OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. Primer Director de Negocios de Instrumentos Financieros Tipo I de la Oficina Financiera Local de Kanto No. 2137 Número de abonado de la Asociación de Futuros Financieros del Instituto 1571.

Trading FX y / o CFDs en el margen son de alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos. Las pérdidas pueden exceder la inversión.

Poniendo la brecha entre tú y tus seres queridos.

Cargo Forwarding ha estado en existencia durante muchos años. Perfeccionar el comercio es una tarea continua para los profesionales que tomaron un esfuerzo interminable para pegar en las tierras separadas por vastos mares, & amp; Montañas de la tierra, para cumplir la promesa de acercar a las familias.

Despliegue la mística de Forex Alberta que abunda en cada carga preciosa entregada a través del océano. Hay un sentimiento intangible lleno de innumerables gemas de amor por cada caja enviada. Tome una mirada más cercana y ser una parte de este esfuerzo continuo para conectar y volver a conectar con nuestros familiares. Atrevete a comparar si puedes, porque ese es el desafío. Pero al final del día, seguramente descubrirá que el servicio de Forex Alberta seguirá siendo fuerte y desafiante.

Para sus tarifas de carga preciosas y el procesamiento, no dude en tocar base con Forex Alberta, y dejar que tejer su sueño a la realidad y hellip, que les ayuden a cruzar y hellip ;. Forex Alberta, el puente que llenará la brecha entre usted y sus seres queridos.

Nuestra misión es proveer un servicio extraordinario a precios asequibles y de costo competitivo, apoyando las variadas necesidades de nuestros clientes con genuina comprensión, pasión y cuidado. Aseguramos servicio personalizado a través de nuestras operaciones, y estamos enfocados en nutrir relaciones a largo plazo. Y en el corazón de todo, es un gran equipo, dedicado a servir a nuestros clientes.

Nuestra visión es ser reconocidos mundialmente como uno de los principales transportistas internacionales de carga y estar entre los mejores proveedores de servicios de viajes y tours.

Larry Pesavento, un veterano de comercio de más de 40 años, y Leslie Jouflas explican el patrón AB = CD y cómo podemos usarlo

Historia del modelo AB = CD

En 1935 un libro fue publicado para la venta a los inversionistas en un precio increíble de $ 1500. Ese libro fue Ganancias en el Mercado de Valores por H. M. Gartley. En la página 249 Gartley describe un patrón de gráfico, "Uso práctico de líneas de tendencia", que ahora llamamos el AB = patrón de CD.

La descripción de Gartley del diagrama de AB = CD ilustraba cómo el mercado reaccionaría en una tendencia alcista y luego volvería. Entonces se reuniría con otra tendencia alcista y luego haría otro retroceso formando un canal paralelo ascendente. Fue a partir de esta descripción que el patrón AB = CD alcanzó su apodo como "Lightning Bolt".

Gartley pasó varias páginas refiriéndose a estas líneas de tendencia y líneas paralelas como excelentes señales cuando se utiliza junto con otras herramientas de trabajo. También aplicó estas líneas a ratios de precios. Utilizó principalmente ratios de un tercio y medio de retrocesos.

AB = Estructura del patrón CD

El patrón AB = CD se encuentra en todos los mercados y en todos los marcos temporales. El patrón es un movimiento medido donde la segunda pierna es "igual" a la primera pierna. Cabe señalar que la pierna C-D puede extenderse y no siempre será exactamente "igual".

Hay tres patas que forman este patrón. La primera pata del patrón se etiqueta A-B. Después de la terminación de la primera etapa, se producirá un retroceso o corrección que normalmente encontrará apoyo o resistencia en uno de estos niveles de Fibonacci; .382. 50. 618 o .786. Esta corrección o retracción está etiquetada como BC y es la segunda etapa del patrón. (Nota: los mercados fuertemente tendenciosos verán generalmente solamente un retracement al .382.

Una vez que el precio se reanuda en la misma dirección de la pierna A-B, la pierna C-D comienza a formarse. Una vez que identificamos la formación de la pierna de CD podemos proyectar la terminación del patrón potencial y formar una estrategia comercial. A medida que se forman y completan las patas del CD, monitorearemos la etapa final de cualquier signo de advertencia que nos alertara sobre un cambio en las condiciones del mercado que puede indicarnos que posiblemente pasemos el comercio o esperaremos una confirmación adicional antes de entrar en el comercio. Las señales de advertencia incluirían:

Amplia gama de bares

Brechas cerca de completarse en la pierna del CD

La cola se cierra en dirección opuesta al comercio

Al estudiar este patrón es importante saber qué invalida el patrón. Aquí hay tres elementos que invalidan el patrón AB = CD:

C no puede exceder de A. Lo que significa que el retroceso de AB no puede exceder de 1,00

C puede ser un 1,00 retracement de la pierna AB, este es un patrón raro y una doble superior o inferior, pero es un patrón válido.

D debe exceder B para que el patrón se complete en D y sea válido AB = CD.

Características importantes del modelo AB = CD

El patrón AB = CD será perfectamente simétrico, lo que significa que AB equivale a CD aproximadamente el 40% del tiempo. El otro 60% de las variaciones de tiempo del patrón estará presente. Lo que esto significa es que después de que la pierna AB se forma y la pierna de retracement, BC, ha terminado, la pierna CD será totalmente diferente que la pierna AB. Las dos patas pueden o no ser perfectamente simétricas.

Algunas de las formas en que la pierna del CD puede variar de la pierna AB son:

La pata de CD es una extensión de AB de cualquier punto de 1,27 a 2,00 o mayor.

La pata del CD tiene una pendiente o ángulo más escarpado o más ancho que AB. (Ver Figura 4)

A primera vista esto haría que el comerciante piensa que el patrón no es comerciable. La clave está en identificar la pierna BC. Lo más importante es ver la acción del precio después de que el punto C se haya formado. La pierna C determina la relación con la pierna AB.


Estos fenómenos C pierna se pueden describir de tres maneras:

Primero; Si después del punto C ha ocurrido y existe una brecha en la dirección del punto D, esto indicará generalmente que la pierna del CD será mucho mayor que la pierna AB. Indica un 1,27 o 1,618 de AB).

Segundo; Una barra de amplia gama (dos veces el tamaño normal) en el punto C es también otra indicación de que la pierna del CD se va a extender.

Tercero; Idealmente AB = movimientos de CD son simétricos en precio y tiempo. Por ejemplo; Si la pierna AB es 6 barras para arriba entonces la pierna del CD será 6 barras para arriba. (Ver Figura 5)

Esta frase siguiente es muy importante, si la pierna del CD se hace en sólo unas pocas barras que indicarán fuertemente que la pierna del CD va a ser una extensión de la pierna AB. Se puede imaginar como un ejemplo de este principio de empuje - si tuviera dos automóviles Ferrari en la pista de carreras, uno con combustible diesel el otro con gasolina de alta tecnología, sería fácil entender el Ferrari de alta tecnología alimentado con gasolina llegar a la línea de meta primero . Mira la pierna C, porque si comienza rápido, que es el más rápido de Ferrari va más lejos, más rápido.

Pendiente y marcos de tiempo

La pendiente o el marco de tiempo del movimiento BC también pueden ser útiles para determinar el patrón. Las piernas BC generalmente corregirán a una de las proporciones; .382. 50. 618 o .786. La pendiente de esta pierna BC normalmente es una buena indicación de lo que será la próxima etapa del CD. Por ejemplo; Suponga que la pierna AB fue de 15 barras de negociación para el punto B y ahora la pierna BC ha tomado 8 barras y sólo ha vuelto .382% de la pierna AB. Esto es una señal de que el mercado absorbe una gran cantidad de ventas a un precio alto, es un retroceso superficial y no fue capaz de volver a .50. 618 o .786%. (Véase la Figura 4) Suponemos que los precios irían mucho más alto y posiblemente bastante rápidamente una vez que la venta se ralentiza. Sin embargo, si el mercado retrocede a un retracement .618 o .786, el CD será probablemente una acción normal igual a AB = CD. (Ver Figura 3)

Para calcular la extensión de la pierna de CD utilice la diferencia de la pierna AB y multiplique por 1,27 o 1,618 luego añada esa cifra a la alta de baja de C. El ejemplo de la figura 4 se representaría así:

(A = 1256 & lt; B = 1274 = 18 puntos)

18 x 1.618 en este ejemplo gráfico = 22.86

Añadir esto a C: 1266,25 + 22,86 = 1285,37

Que es el precio de proyección en D para la extensión 1.618.

Si calcula el 1.27 u otros números de la extensión simplemente utilice ese número en lugar del 1.618).

Las barras de tiempo en el patrón AB = CD normalmente serán un rango de 5 a 8 bares. Cuando la pierna del CD se extiende más allá de 8 barras en un movimiento hacia arriba o hacia abajo la probabilidad es para una extensión de precio donde CD será 1.27 o 1.618 del swing AB. (Ver Figura 5)

El lector debe tener en cuenta que estos patrones son sólo probabilidades, no son certezas y tratando de usar estos patrones sin una sólida comprensión de ellos, y una estrategia de gestión de dinero de sonido es equivalente a suicidio comercial.

Larry Pesavento es un veterano de más de 40 años en el comercio. Él es un miembro anterior de la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago donde negoció S & amp; P futuros y Moneda Extranjera. También negoció en la prestigiosa Commodity Corporation de Princeton New Jersey. También dirigió Drexil Burham Lambert Commodity Department en Beverly Hills, California. La biblioteca de libros y sistemas comerciales de Larry se ha acumulado en las últimas 5 décadas. Larry ha escrito 9 libros sobre comercio que abarcan temas de Astro fenómenos armónicos, patrón de reconocimiento swing trading e Inteligencia Artificial. Él negocia actualmente para un fondo de Hedge y mentores a estudiantes privados en una sobre una base solamente. Larry puede ser contactado en larry@tradingtutor. com o a través de su página web www. tradingtutor. com

Leslie Jouflas ha sido un comerciante de tiempo completo desde el año 2000 y ha comenzado a negociar el dinero administrado privado. Ella también disfruta enseñando y animando a nuevos estudiantes al campo del comercio. Leslie conoció a Larry hace varios años mientras estaba enseñando un taller de 5 días. Leslie puede ser contactado en frredrica@msn. com

Larry Pesavento es el autor de varios libros sobre comercio y es coautor de un libro reciente con Leslie Jouflas titulado, Essentials of Trading: No es lo que piensas - es cómo piensas


Forex. fi

Datos Contables

Forex. fi es rastreado por nosotros desde abril de 2011. Durante el tiempo se ha clasificado tan alto como 161 999 en el mundo, mientras que la mayoría de su tráfico proviene de Finlandia, donde alcanzó hasta 908 posición. Todo este tiempo fue propiedad de FOREX Bank AB Filial i Finlandia 19043879. Fue organizada por EDB Drift AB. EDB Drift AB y otros.

Forex tiene un alto pagerank de Google y malos resultados en términos de índice de citas tópicas de Yandex. Encontramos que Forex. fi está mal "socializado" con respecto a cualquier red social. De acuerdo con MyWot, SiteAdvisor y análisis de navegación segura de Google, Forex. fi es un dominio totalmente confiable con críticas de visitantes en su mayoría positivas.

Comparar con los competidores

Vea las métricas web clave de Forex. fi, como rangos, visitantes y compromiso social, en comparación con las estadísticas de sitios temáticos similares.

Opciones Forex

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Forex Options

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FX Vanilla Options

A Vanilla Option is a derivative financial instrument that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell Call or Put Options of a predefined notional amount of a currency cross at a pre-defined price ("Strike price") at a predefined date in the future (“Expiry date”). The seller of the option has a corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction should the buyer decide to “exercise” his right.

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At Fab Investing, Forex Options can be either bought or sold.

FX Options can be traded from the FX Options Board

The FX Options Board covers maturities from 1 day to 6 months in standard tenors and strikes. Other maturities and strikes are available in a separate trade ticket or as Request For Quote (RFQ).

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Exercise Method

Choice of settlement

At Fab Investing, we support New York cut FX Options which expire at 10:00 New York time. Any FX Options that are "in the money" at this time are exercised automatically and converted into spot positions for trading convenience.

Alternatively you may choose to exit the position via the cash exercise method. In this way your position is exited at the mid-price of the current spread – even in volatile markets.

Data Tools

Guided by data

To enhance the FX Options trader’s understanding and ability to profit from FX as an asset class, Fab Investing provides direct access to over-the-counter (OTC) FX Options interbank market-specific information and data on our clients’ positions.

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Simply scroll up and down the strikes and across the maturities to select the Forex Option you wish to trade. Find your next trading strategy effortlessly either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Other strikes and maturities remain available to you with streaming liquidity through the Forex Options trade ticket on the platform.

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Summary Per Cross aggregates all positions per currency pair, and shows a global view of the risk in each pair

Net delta by Currency shows the delta triangulation risks to identify the cross a portfolio is most exposed to

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Margin Requirements

How Fab Investing determines margin for FX Options


Delta Margin

The Delta of a Forex Option position describes how the value of the Forex Option changes as a result of changes in the underlying Forex spot rate. The Delta Margin requirement is calculated as follows:


When calculating the Delta Margin requirement, all of the portfolio's current spot exposures – both open FX spot positions and FX Vanilla Option spot exposures – are considered.

Vega Margin

The Vega of an FX Vanilla Option position describes how the value of the Forex Option position changes as a result of changes in the implied volatility of the underlying Forex cross. The Vega Margin is calculated as follows:


Volatility Factors are set per Currency Pair and Expiry Date tenor (see table below). Between these Expiry Date tenors the Volatility Factors are interpolated. The Volatility Factors for short dated Expiry Dates are higher than those for long dated Expiry Dates because the volatility of a long-term Forex Option position is relatively less dynamic than a short-term Forex Option position.

When calculating the Vega Margin requirement for a Forex Option position, netting is performed across each Currency Pair for each Expiry Date. Thus, if you have bought and sold Forex Options in the same Currency Pair and for the same Expiry Date, the Vega Margin is calculated as the net of these positions.

The Volatility Factors used in the Vega Margin calculation for major and minor currency pairs are shown below in tabular and graphical form. As noted above, Volatility Factors are interpolated between the expiry date tenors.

Listed below are instruments available on the FAB InvestingTrader platform.

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FOREX Bank AB changes Anti Money Laundering system to Trapets InstantWatch AML

Wed, Aug 27, 2014 13:29 CET

FOREX Bank AB has changed its anti-money laundering system to InstantWatch AML, provided by Trapets AB

From the 1th of July it is official that FOREX Bank AB is in production and equipped with a state of the art anti money laundering system, InstantWatch AML. InstantWatch AML is a Swedish-developed system. It analyses a flow of financial transactions and alerts according to a configurable rule system. The AML module provides automatic surveillance against money laundering and terrorist financing.

The system InstantWatch AML also includes access to a KYC (know Your Customer) service for automatic screening of customers against sanctions lists and PEP lists (Political Exposed Person).

The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has increased their controls on banks regarding their rules and procedures to combat money laundering and it is of high importance and priority to have a functioning system that prevents money laundering. At this stage FOREX Bank has taken a leading role by having a proven AML system in place.

“ In accordance with FOREX Bank AB’s ambition to maintain high quality in the work to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing FOREX has chosen to implement Trapets system InstantWatch for our transaction monitoring. InstantWatch is a modern platform which will enhance FOREX ability to maintain and further develop a risk based approach in the transaction monitoring .” says Mikael Boberg, Chief AML Officer at FOREX Bank AB.

“ We are very proud to announce FOREX Bank as Trapets new customer. FOREX has branches in all Nordic countries, is handling a lot of different currencies, has a complex risk based approach setup and has a large number of InstantWatch users. ” says Gunnar Wexell, Chairman of the Board at Trapets.

Para más información

Trapets AB is a leading provider of Market/Trading Surveillance, AML and KYC solutions. Professional services range from assistance in implementing compliance monitoring and advanced analytics programs to fully outsourced trading surveillance.

About FOREX Bank AB

FOREX Bank is since 1965 market leader in Scandinavia regarding currency exchange and since 2003 the bank offers a growing range of other competitive banking services. FOREX Bank has 120 branches located throughout Scandinavia. The Bank serves 10 million customers annually. Para más información visite:


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The AB=CD pattern may be a value structure wherever every value leg is equivalent. The Fibonacci numbers within the pattern should occur at specific points. In a perfect AB=CD, the C purpose should retrace to either a zero.618 or 0.786. This retracement sets up the before Christ projection that ought to converge at the completion of the AB=CD and be either a one.27 or 1.618. it’s vital to notice that a .618 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.618 before Christ projection. A .786 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.27 projection. the foremost vital thought to recollect is that the before Christ projection ought to converge closely with the completion of the AB=CD.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Each pattern has each a optimistic and pessimistic version. optimistic patterns facilitate determine higher chance opportunities to shop for, or go “long.” pessimistic patterns facilitate signal opportunities to “short,” or sell. every turning purpose (A, B, C, and D) represents vital|a big|a major> high or significant low on a value chart. These points outline 3 consecutive value swings, or trends, that structure every of the 3 pattern “legs.” These area unit brought up because the AB leg, the BC leg, and therefore the CD leg.

Trading isn’t a precise science. As a result, we tend to use some key Fibonacci quantitative relation relationships to seem for proportions between AB and CD. Doing therefore can still offer North American nation Associate in Nursing ambit of wherever the ABCD pattern might complete—both in terms of your time and value. this can be why joining patterns facilitate increase chances, and permit traders to a lot of accurately confirm entries and exits. every pattern leg is often among a spread of 3-13 bars/candles on any given timeframe, though p atterns could also be a lot of larger than thirteen periods on a given timeframe. Traders might interpret this as a symbol to maneuver to a bigger timeframe within which the pattern will work among this vary to ascertain for trend/Fibonacci convergence .

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A-B-C-D Comercio

Haven't posted before except to ask for an exit EA. I want to contribute like the other kind posters here. I reference a poster named Glenn that showcased a London Breakout method a couple of years ago, as well as some of the indicators below. Don't really need most of them, but in the event you want to monitor momentum, etc. it will be on your chart.

Have heard that some don't trust the breakout as it can go back into the "Box". Understanding how the market moves with the fib A-B-C-D action will provide more confidence in your trading.

Forex Fib Trading -------A-B-C-D Trade

Chart Intervals: 1, 5, 15, 60 Trigger 1-min

Fractal ADX Cross Gann Hi-Lo Activator Ichimoku Heiken Ashi Keitner Channel_v1 FX Sniper’s Ergidic CCI & Trigger Forex Freedom Bars MTF Heiken Ashi (sw)

Adjustments: Add 78.6 fib Add price display to each fib line. Type in %$ after fib number.

Rules (you can use other breakout entries including break of S/R and channels):

1)London Breakout method. Measure hi/lo from Asian session (Box). Usually, entry is after candle closes outside of that hi/lo Box, the 5-min candle for example.

2)Place Stop-Loss at A) last pivot on 5-min…or B) exit when 5-min candle closes inside of the Box. Remember to factor in spread on Stop-Loss.

3)Size number of lots based on your max risk. If you are using exit B, you must set a stop-loss of a certain number of pips as a safety net. You can use something like 10 pips inside the box (plus spread if any).

4)Target profit based on fib extension from 5-min chart’s last move. If last move was small (less than about 30 pips), usually fib extension will hit 1.618% (FE 161.8%). If last move was large, target smaller level of 1.000% (FE100%).

В· You can move the stop-loss when market reaches the FE 100% extension and you either A) target the 1.618% fib, or B) take partial profit at 100% and balance at 1.618% fib.

5)The A-B-C-D movement should always be monitored and understood. When a top or bottom is established, the move will retrace to 38.2%, or 50%, or 61.8%. In some cases it will go 78.6% and 100%.

A = Start of move. B = End of move. C = Retrace Point.

D = is where we want to project the extension.

6)After the move retraces, we look for it to break B. You can set an automatic entry 2 to 3 pips beyond B. Remember to factor in the spread. (See paragraph 10 for Move in Progress).

7)Look at 5-min chart and measure the last move (A-B). Use fib extension tool off of those 2 points. The Take Profit (TP) will be as per #4 above.

8)Always check 1-min chart. It can be used as the trigger in an attempt to get a better entry and/or exit order price fill. Smaller moves can also be identified on the 1-min chart that may not be visible on the 5-min.

9)You should always consider re-drawing fib extensions if a move gets exhausted before your exit. Adjust your Take Profit accordingly.

10) If you are using the Box breakout (such as the London Breakout), the move outside of the box may be a Move in Progress (MIP). Draw the fib retracement and fib extension to ascertain what is going on. If the move stalls and retraces into the Box, you are less jumpy because you can anticipate a retracement to a certain level and watch for a reattempt to break “B”. This is the reason some breakouts go back into the Box. You can now enter when “B” is broken just beyond the Box.

11) Monitor longer time frames for support and resistance (S/R).

12)Always trade with the trend if you are a beginner. Use the Ichimoku and Freedom Bars for that purpose. The market moving above or below the Ichimoku clouds indicates current up and down trend situation. The Freedom Bars track 4 time frames in blue and red to indicate up/down market coloration. A trader can elect to only trade in the direction when all 4 time frames are one color.

13) The FX Sniper crossover aids in confirming trend and directional change. The Multi-Timeframe (MTF) Heiken Ashi also provides crossovers but is less sensitive with overbought/oversold.

14) The Keitner Channel helps visualize oversold/overbought conditions. It also has a middle line for those trading from the outer extremes to that point.

15) The Gann Hi-Lo Activator assists in identifying a reversal of direction.

16) The ADX Cross is displayed with arrows. It confirms change in direction. Is effective on the 15-min chart, but may be best on the 30-min for reference. Use with Fractals, which indicate pivot/directional changes.

May 5th Breakout & Fib Extension

May 5th London Breakout & Fib Extension

The attached 5-min chart shows a small breakout which would be deemed a false breakout. If we look at a 1-minute chart, it will show that it only extended to the FE 61.8% for a 9-pip gain past the Asian low.

If one entered at that first break of the Asian low (red horizontal line), it would have required the trader to re-measure their fibs . A trader that did not enter also should do this.

I have illustrated the breakout with a 5-minute chart. Moving Point “B” to the low of 1.2914 will show a retracement to the 38.2 fib (black fib lines), which we will label as Point “C”.

Now redraw the fib extension based on the new Point “B ” to arrive at the exit targets of the FE 100 and FE 161.8 (white fib lines).

Wait for the break of the new Point “B”. If one was already in the trade, the trader now understands that there may be a larger move, retracement, and fib extension (FE) going on. Entry would have been at about 1.2908 (arrow) based on the opening price of the candle following the closing candle below Point “B”.

If the trader was already in the trade based on the first breakout, the retracement to Point “C” would not have stopped out the trade. This is due to the original stop loss being placed just above the pivot of 1.2952 (last blue candle prior to first break).

Now the stop loss must be moved to just beyond Point “C”, or just above the last pivot of 1.2923 (high of 12:25 candle). Choosing the stop above C would have made the risk distance high, about 45 pips. Using the 1.2923 pivot would reduce that to about 15 pips. Remember to factor in 4 pips to cover the 3-pip spread plus 1 pip just in case.

In any event, always size the number of lots based on your max risk tolerance. If anyone wants me to post a simple sizing calculator spreadsheet (Excel), just ask.

Once the move pivots again at the 12:45 candle, we want to move the stop-loss to just beyond that high of 1.2901 plus 4 pips = 1.2905. Now the trade will be protected against a loss. The reason to select this candle is due to the move respecting that FE 61.8 fib as resistance.

2 candles later, the move hit the FE100 fib for the first profit target level. Trader can elect to exit at this level (or did by auto TP) for a +33 pip win.

Since the distance from Point A to Point B was considered large by me (78 pips), I usually choose to target the FE100.

We are witnessing the Euro under siege. My discipline takes into consideration that heavily trending markets are not usually the case. Therefore, I have to instruct in a manner that is safe year-round. Experienced traders will make adjustments based on their feel for the market.

In an attempt to have your cake and eat it too, one can exit a majority of lots at the FE100 and attempt to take profit with the balance at the FE161.8.

Alternative, one can monitor the Heiken Ashi (on the 5 or 15-min chart) with the balance and ride the trend. The attached chart did not include the Heiken Ashi because I wanted viewers to see normal candles for pivot points to move stops.

Prior to breakout, it was easily determined that the trend was down. As per my first post, I use the Ichimoku.

The FX Sniper Ergodic also had crossed down prior to entry.

Using a stop loss based on a pivot is more scientific than just a number of pips into the Asian Hi/Lo Range (Box).

Practice drawing fibs. You will see how much the market movement will respect this very powerful Support & Resistance tool.

Just concluded an ABCD trade on EUR/USD. Pair broke Point "B" after retracing 50%, establishing Point "C". attached is 5-min chart.

A trader that trades a particular pair would know that major support was also at 1.2789. That was newly established low from U. S. session, and new low for year.

This works out to be a breakout trade from the U. S. session low. Again, we were joining a Move In Progress (MIP). See 1st post for explanation.

Entry at 1.2784. stop-loss placed just above the last pivot of 1.2803 (plus spread and 1-pip cushion =1.2807). Check 1-min chart.

FE 161.8 price of 1.2767 (add spread of 3 pips = 1.2770) for + 17 pips

FE 236.2 price of 1.2737 + spread = 1.2740 for + 47 pips

Edit: Chart label shows wrong entry price. My graphic artist skills are poor.

Also forgot to mention the I showed the Ichimoku. When market is above or below those "clouds", it indicates up or down trend.

The lower indicator is the Freedom Bar, which were all red, denoting 4 time frames with down trend.

Sniper crossed over confirms sell move.

Since that major support was there at 1.2789, it was not safe to trade the break of Point B price of 1.2812. Unless you were to take profit just ahead of that 1.2789. After deducting spread and some cushion on entry, net gain would probably only work out at about 15 pips.

Also, with such a significant support like that (new year low), there normally is a lot or automatic orders waiting around that price level. we're talking potentially $ billions. There is no guarantee that the move would have hit 1.2789, and may have in fact spiked up against a sell position as it neared that support.

Therefore, waiting for MIP to break U. S. session low was a much safer plan.

I want to post an ABC Retrace that just occurred. Missed it as I was fooling around with posting charts from last night's London Breakout, which I'll do later. By the time I saw it the entry was not a good risk/reward scenario.

Attached is 5-min EUR/USD. You can see the A-B swing. I drew fibs (wider fibs) and the move stop around the 78.6% retrace fib level. Interesting was that it was also at the Ichimoku cloud. That indicator uses the edges of the clouds as support and resistance. Additionally, we had the Asian low of 1.2736 (red horizontal line). Thus, multiple things were telling us that there is significant resistance there.

I used the Fractal as well. Once that was established, the entry was 1.2728. The Fractal develops after the 2nd candle closes, after the high is established (see down arrow).

Stop-loss would be 4 pips above the high of Point "C" price of 1.2741 = 1.2745. Risk = 17 pips.

Target to take profit:

We measure the retrace from C-D (shorter fibs on chart). It's a little hard to see both but the 2 fib have one thing in common. The up arrow shows that it is both the 50% retrace from B-C and the 38.2% retrace of A-B.

Exit price = 1.2698 + 4 pips = 1.2703. Reward = 25 pips.

Therefore risk/reward was 17/25 and better than a 1:1 ratio, which is the objective.

I decided not to pull the trigger since I was late noticing this and price was already 1.2719. That's O. K. Do not chase, there's ALWAYS another trade. In fact, ABC patterns happen all of the time.

Note that my fib labels (far right) has the price right behind the fib%. See my first post on how to accomplish that.

May 6th London Breakout

May 6th breakout from the Asian session low of 1.2736 (red horizontal line )

Once again, the breakout was a Move In Progress (MIP). Drawing the fib extension as illustrated on the attached 5-min chart of EUR/USD, saw:

1.2729 using opening of 11:50 5-min candle (down arrow). We waited for the break candle to close.

Point C price was 1.2769. Adding 4 pips = 1.2773 stop-loss. Risk = 37 pips . That’s a large distance. If you use that, you must size the number of lots traded downward quite a bit depending on your max risk tolerance.

Alternatively, we can look for a smaller stop by looking at the 1-min chart . The last pivot above our entry would be a 1.2752 at the high of the 11:45 candle. Add 4 pips = Stop-Loss of 1.2756 . Risk = 27 pips.

Take Profit targets:

FE 61.8 of 1.2612 + 4 pips = 1.2616 = +13 pips……Risk/Reward = 27/13

FE 100 of 1.2692 + 4 pips = 1.2996 = +33 pips…….Risk/Reward = 27/33

FE 161.8 of 1.2660 + 4 pips = 1.2664 = + 63 pips….Risk/Reward = 27/63

The move from Point A to Point B was 55 pips. I consider this a large move and would normally only look to take profit at the FE100.

Red horizontal line is Asian low of 1.2736 White horizontal line is Stop-Loss of 1.2752

Remember, we set the stop 4 pips above 1.2752. The spread is 3 pips, and we add one for cushion.

We would have been safe even though EUR/USD moved back into the Asian range (Box).

We can see it hanging around the Asian low after bouncing off the FE 61.8.

My guess as to why it was fluctuating around the Asian low is that 07:00 candle low of 1.2636 was a quick probe not recognized by the market/traders. If you use your cross hair tool, you can see that 1.2644 was probably the real Asian low. That is confirmed by chart movement. This is hindsight of course. Each broker’s feed can differ slightly. In this case it made things a bit confusing.

May 6th Breakout from European Low

Point B price of 1.2654 was established at the end of the European session and was session low, which made it a clean opportunity.

It retraced to the 78.6% fib. Additionally, we have the Ichimoku cloud edge as resistance, was well as a previous S/R of 1.2736 (red horizontal line).

This was the second candle (18:10) after break candle closed on 5-min chart.

Check 1-min chart for pivot. 1.2671 + 4 pips = 1.2675 = 33 pip risk That's the best we can do as the market was moving good.

FE 100 = 1.2595 + 4 pips = 1.2599 =+43 pip reward

As most of you know by now, the stock market took a big dip around 18:40 GMT. The EUR/USD did hit the FE 161.8 exactly.

Don't chase the market when this happens as a big spike back can hurt you. It can drag your stop loss and you will still be responsible.

The fibs, when properly drawn, will provide an exactness to your trading.

May 7th London Breakout

May 7th Asian Session Breakout Attached are 5-min and 1-hour charts.

We saw a breakout to the upside from the Asian high. It went for 24 gross pips. If a trader targeted a set number of pips, say 15 as taught by glenn5t, then it was a successful trade. Some traders move their stop-loss to break-even after profit is 10 or 15 pips.

Following the ABCD method, here’s what the picture was:

Asian high = 1.2772

The breakout failed to move past the FE 61.8. It stopped at 1.2797 .

If we, in hindsight drew A-B to have B = 1.2742 . then the fib extension will show the move hit the FE 100.

Always monitor a longer term chart. The attached Daily chart shows why the market stopped at 1.2797. It is the 38.2 retrace of the last move down. This is considered a significant resistance level. Knowing this was a major hurdle in advance, can prevent you from entering this trade.

The market was moving fast upwards, as witness by the size of the 5-min 10:30 (GMT) candle as it broke the Asian high.

Based on the Chart 1 A-B and its extension projection:

1.2785 + 3 pip spread = 1.2788 After close of 5-min break candle. Opening price of next candle.

1.2742 + 1 pip cushion = 1.2743 Last pivot. Couldn’t get a better pivot, even on the 1-min chart.

FE 100 = 1.2827 + 1 pip cushion = 1.2826

Risk = 45 pips Reward = 38 pips

Not a good Risk/Reward scenario from the beginning = red flag. Part of the reason was the entry price was quite a bit higher than the Asian high, a difference of 16 pips.

The significant 38% retrace price (major resistance) on the Daily chart = red flag.

The distance of the stop-loss was 45 pips. For me, this is too high, even if I size the lots to be traded = red flag.

The Freedom Bars showed the 4-HR in down trend = red flag. Sorry, I did not include the Freedom Bars on the charts.

Most likely, many would have drawn the fib extension based on the A-B points on Chart 1. This happens sometimes, but don’t get discouraged. Assess the trade and look for red flags such as described above.

The main message is that there will be times when you don’t/can’t read the market properly, or too many red flags pop up. When you have mastered drawing fibs, you will have enough of an advantage to withstand losing trades. Remember to take your lumps and learn from them. Obviously, always trade with a stop-loss, and size your lots for each trade, conforming to your maximum risk.

My next post will teach you a trick on how to use/adjust the Fib Extension tool . MT4 also refers to the Extension as the Expansion. The 2 words are interchangeable.

May 4th London Breakout

The first chart is the 15-min EUR/USD. You can see the ABC pattern easier.

What we can see:

The Point B is below the Asian low (red box). Why did I pick that one? If we had used the previous ABC pattern in the red box, it clearly shows that it was well on its way to Point D. It was too late to enter and is also against the strategy of trading the London Breakout.

Therefore we had to wait until that C to D move is finished. It did and became Point B and is now set up for the new C-D leg.

The second chart is a 5-min so we can see a little more detail.

You can see that the EUR/USD moved back into the red "Box" (Asian range). That was O. K. as we are still waiting for a break of Point B.

After 2 tries, he 3rd did push through B. You can see the price for Entry, Stop-Loss, Profit Target at FE 100.

Stop-Loss 1.3134 + 4 pips = 1.3138 Entry 1.3112 Profit 1.3078 + 4 pips = 1.3082 Profit pips = 30 pips Risk/Reward = 26/30

You can also see the Fib Extension tool from A-B-C. Made the aforementioned adjustment to pinpoint that tool to correspond with Point C.

Apr 28th London Breakout

I wanted to showcase this chart because it had 2 ABCD patterns.

Bounced off the Asian high and retraced to establish Point C. Extended to the FE 161.8 The move A-B was small, so better chance it will hit FE 161.8

Leg C pierce the Asian high but bounced off the FE 61.8 of the 1st move. Hit the FE 100. Move A-B was 50 pips, and thus I only trade to FE 100.

You can set your own A-B size rules and trade to FE 100 or FE 161.8.

You can also decide whether you want to enter after the close of a 5-min candle above Point B, or enter earlier.

Always weigh risk/reward and size your lots to max risk tolerance. Sorry to repeat, but it's crucial and often is the difference between successful and not successful traders. You must have a plan. The ABCD can be calculated in advance, viz-a-viz all of the important considerations.

These patterns happen all the time. We just need to have volume to drive the extension. Marrying this technique with the London Breakout provides good opportunities.

The London Breakout is traded by a ton of traders. The difference is that you are now armed with knowledge on how to figure out what the market is doing and where it's going, with precision.

Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

Updated Signal Bars and Dolly indicators recoded to run on the new MT4, the password is required for the indicators to work. I have posted them here as they cannot be considered final editions as the new MT4 is still only Beta.

The graphics refresh issue with the panel overlays on start up appears to be resolved with the addition of this line of code inserted at the start of the code just below OnCalculate or start() it provides an initial delete of the indicator objects while the indicator is loading and so far I have had a 100% correct load each time I tested it. Hopefully MetaQuotes resolves this issue and this fix will no longer be needed


Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

Seems that I am on track of what exactly is causing offline charts not to update the IndicatorCounted()

It is already solved in metatrader 4 build 509 but still not solved in beta version (build 574) - ie. it works as it should in current build but that exactly same code does not set IndicatorCounted() values as they should be in the beta version

Solved for metarader build 574 too You can attach multiple offline charts for same symbol+time frame and all are going to be updated correctly (including the IndicatorCounted() values - all the internals are set as they should be set). Attaching the perid converted that works with this new metatrader correctly (no excesive CPU usage, nor anything of a sort)

In the two files that generate the renko, if I choose the option to ShowWicks, then the renko not created correctly, there are many gaps and does not update the graph. I also tried the 577 version.

I was going to write a long answer, but decided to make it short Here is a version with correct data when show wicks is chosen too. Uper is without wick, lower is that same thing with wicks made visible

Re: New metatrader 4 compatible indicators

PS: since we got some question about these indicators, I would like to tell it again

These indicator are meant to be used with the new metatrader 4 (currently build 577) that will be officially released (due to latest news) on February the 1st. They are not going to work with the current metatrader 4 (build 509)


Re: New metatrader 4 compatible indicators

Can you upgrade this indicator for the new metatrader 4.

It is essential for me. It draws different renkos. You can simplify if you want to allow drawing only 1 renko offline chart, (actually it can draws 2 offline charts).

Gracias por tu tiempo.


Re: New metatrader 4 compatible indicators

Can you upgrade this indicator for the new metatrader 4.

It is essential for me. It draws different renkos. You can simplify if you want to allow drawing only 1 renko offline chart, (actually it can draws 2 offline charts).

Gracias por tu tiempo.

No original (non-decompiled) source?

I never looked into code.

I contacted the author of trading system idea and he gives me this one.

We can't edit our posts. Or i don't find the button.

Hi My Friend Big Joe, first sorry for my English, and I believe that 'the author' you said is not me. coz I never give my source code for this renko chart builder indi before to anyone, I just share the ex4 freely in one forum at FF, and the file that you received is de-compiled one. lol, btw no problem, i'm sure is not your fault, coz the basic source code already share freely. And I'm really happy if Mladen will help us to teach how to change this old codes to become compatible with the new MT4 release. So, I really hope that after the change, our Teacher Mladen will share the source here for us. to learn what the different that should change with this new release, and in the future we can do it by our self without always bothering and take his valuable times.

Here we go the source code, and Thank you in advance to Mladen for the time and big heart for helping us.

ABC Forex Trading Strategies

Here's what I got from a guy who claim his Forex trading strategy which works, produces the biggest profits and yet, most traders don't even consider it! He claims it will catch every big trend and be on the way to making a triple digit income in around 30 minutes a day - let's take a look at it.

Most traders don't focus on the long term trends, they simply want to try and scalp small profits and end up losing and in addition, they don't know how to enter their trading signals correctly and fail to make money. This strategy combines, making money from the big profitable trends and using a simple method, to time your trading signal with greater accuracy.

First before we look at the strategy, lets look at the logic its based on and it's simple:

Big trends last a long time with many lasting weeks or months in duration and in some instances these trends last years. You will notice that in all big bullish trends, they start by breaking to new chart highs and the trend continues, by breaking new highs; so if you buy breakouts of important resistance levels, you can make a lot of money.

So why don't the majority of traders do this?

The answer is simple - most traders are locked in the mindset of "buying low and selling high" they want to predict the turn and get in at the start of a trend but there is a problem with this mindset because it involves prediction and it's really just hoping or guessing and leads to losses.

Forget all those people who tell you, that you can predict Forex prices in advance - you can't.

If you really could and there was an order to currency movement, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market.

If you trade a breakout to a new high, you are not predicting anything, you are trading the reality of price change and that means you will have the odds on your side and sure, you won't win every trade but if you run your profits and cut your losses, you can make huge gains over time.

To hit a good breakout, look for a level which as been tested a few times before the break occurs and it's the more times the better, in terms of getting the odds on your side and we look for six or more tests.

As soon as the break occurs - put your stop protection below the resistance level and wait, if its a good break, it will continue and move away from the breakout point and carry on, if it doesn't your stop is tight so you have low risk.

This method may sound easy and it is, you just have to have the mindset to get into a trend in motion and forget about predicting; if you do this and you focus on long term trends, you can easily make triple digit profits in around 30 minutes a day or less.

Learn to trade breakouts and you will make more money in less time and that adds up to a great way to trade.

Off all the talks, I didn't notice anything worth trying. No No!

Most people have heard of trading, like the New York Stock Exchange, and Forex trading isn't far off from that. The difference is, is that Forex trading is the trading of currencies, not stocks. It also has a larger volume than stock and bond markets combined! As with stocks, it is a high-risk investment, but it can also have an extremely high return, easily doubling investments in minutes.

The best part about Forex trading, is that it is done using a margin. That is, you don't need the full amount to buy a currency. A Forex trader can buy $100,000.00 with just $1,000.00. This allows traders to make huge profits with minimal investment. And the Forex market is open to all types of investors, not just big organizations, and banks.

The best place for an investor to start when considering the Forex market, is the Forex community. Research is key to understanding Forex trading. Consulting Forex forums and community boards can be extremely beneficial.

The next thing to do would be to choose a system. A system, is a specially designed method, software, or course developed by professional in Forex trading. There are many systems out there, so research must be dome to make sure the system fits your needs. Before purchasing a system, you should ask them a few questions like, how long have they been in this business, and and if there is a trial version available. Make sure that they have customer testimonials too.

By going to Forex forums, and chat rooms, one might be able to find out what system others are using, or what systems are recommended most. Most professional traders believe that having a trading system is an important factor in establishing a stable revenue in the forex market. Systems tell investors when, and what, should be done in each trading situation.

Another thing that an investor will need is a broker, to assist with transactions. There's a wide variety of brokers, so be prepared with questions about their credentials. Ask them about their leverage, and their spread. As these are both determining factors in how much money the investor can make with each investment. The investor may also choose to handle transactions themselves.

An investor also needs to master analysis, and form a strategy, to get a competitive edge, and improve their odds. They need to learn to recognize the different factors that affect the Forex market. A person has a much better chance of success at trading forex, if they do their research, and know what to look for. And, in conclusion, it doesn't matter if a person is experienced or a beginner in the world of Forex!

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Artículos de Forex Trading


By Dick Thompson for Forexmentor ©2010, Forexmentor. com, January, 2010

Most of us use Fibonacci ratios in our trading in one way or another and if you are like me, you find it a fascinating mathematical phenomenon. Just contemplating how prevalent the ratio Phi (1.618) is in all aspects of nature, and life in general, boggles the mind. And of course, the Fibonacci series is very much involved with Phi. Pero yo divago.

In our use of Fibonacci, most of us simply take advantage of the Fib tools in our trading platforms and measure price retracements, using the Fibonacci ratios of .386. 50. 618 and .786 as support and resistance. Some of us use different levels and some of us combine these swings into patterns such as the Gartley, the Butterfly and perhaps even the Three Drives pattern.

But most of us don’t pay much attention to one pattern which can be traded on its own and is embedded in the Gartley and the Butterfly; the AB = CD.

What we now call the AB=CD was first presented by H. M. Gartley in his 1935 book Profits in the Stock Market. He described how the market would rally in an uptrend and then retrace. It would then rally to another uptrend then make another retracement forming an up sloping parallel channel.

Gartley spent several pages referring to these trend lines and parallel lines as excellent signals when used in conjunction with other working tools. He also applied these lines to price ratios. He used mainly ratios of one third and half retracements.

Gartley’s work was brought into modern times by Larry Pesavento in the late 90’s when he redefined the pattern specifically as a three-legged pattern and recommended parameters and criteria for their use. Shown below, is a Bullish AB=CD pattern.

This pattern can be found in all time frames and the “ideal” pattern will be symmetrical. Both the length of the CD leg in pips and the number of bars that it contains will be equal to the AB leg. The BC retracement of the AB swing will be either 61.8% or 78.6%. The CD retracement of the BC swing will be either 127.2% or 161.8%.

In my experience, the “ideal” pattern occurs much more frequently than one would expect, but normally, deviations can be expected. For instance, the CD leg will not equal the AB leg. When it is not equal, our preference should be that it be either 127.2% of AB or 161.8% of AB. The time (number of candles) of the CD leg, if not equal, should also be 127.2% or 161.8% of the AB leg.

In actual trading, we look for a BC retracement of the AB swing to be one of the normal Fibonacci ratios; .382. 50. 618. 786. Then, after a completion of the BC leg, we look for the CD leg to form and anticipate a completion such that its length in pips and hopefully also in time, is equal to AB or 1.272 or 1.618 of AB. In addition, the pattern should retain its form, meaning that the BC leg should be shorter in length than the AB leg and the CD leg should be longer in length than the BC leg.

Finally, be alert for long candles and candles without tails moving against the direction of the trade. They may be warning signs.

Lets look at some Forex currency trading examples:

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Case study - Forex

Market Preview

The AB=CD pattern may be a value structure wherever every value leg is equivalent. The Fibonacci numbers within the pattern should occur at specific points. In a perfect AB=CD, the C purpose should retrace to either a zero.618 or 0.786. This retracement sets up the before Christ projection that ought to converge at the completion of the AB=CD and be either a one.27 or 1.618. it’s vital to notice that a .618 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.618 before Christ projection. A .786 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.27 projection. the foremost vital thought to recollect is that the before Christ projection ought to converge closely with the completion of the AB=CD.

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Each pattern has each a optimistic and pessimistic version. optimistic patterns facilitate determine higher chance opportunities to shop for, or go “long.” pessimistic patterns facilitate signal opportunities to “short,” or sell. every turning purpose (A, B, C, and D) represents vital|a big|a major> high or significant low on a value chart. These points outline 3 consecutive value swings, or trends, that structure every of the 3 pattern “legs.” These area unit brought up because the AB leg, the BC leg, and therefore the CD leg.

Trading isn’t a precise science. As a result, we tend to use some key Fibonacci quantitative relation relationships to seem for proportions between AB and CD. Doing therefore can still offer North American nation Associate in Nursing ambit of wherever the ABCD pattern might complete—both in terms of your time and value. this can be why joining patterns facilitate increase chances, and permit traders to a lot of accurately confirm entries and exits. every pattern leg is often among a spread of 3-13 bars/candles on any given timeframe, though p atterns could also be a lot of larger than thirteen periods on a given timeframe. Traders might interpret this as a symbol to maneuver to a bigger timeframe within which the pattern will work among this vary to ascertain for trend/Fibonacci convergence .

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The actual DAY TRADING SWING TRADING USING 00 LEVELS utilizes essential mental prices in order to key in deals. The actual technique is very clear to see and may be reproduced upon any kind of foreign currency set along with reasonable volatility like the usd/yen, euro/dollar, aud/usd, usd/chf, …My technique is dependent on the research from the mental amounts of costs. Dual as well as multiple absolutely no are extremely essential, additionally the actual main degree. These types of amounts are utilized through experts. Marketplace admittance, consider revenue and prevent reduction they fit within these types of places.

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Good examples GBPUSD tend to be: 1. 6100 (double) — 1. 6050 (central) — 1. 6000 (triple). Once the marketplace is actually increasing upward We view the cost conduct within mental amounts, trying to change designs in order to key in the precise stage in which the marketplace may drop. Then when the marketplace is actually slipping lower I am searching for change designs within the mental places. They’re the very best locations in order to key in the marketplace move. The actual substance: “sell higher and purchase reduced. I personally use 2 timeframes. 1 main to consider designs (H4) as well as small (M15) in order to key in the actual industry. With regard to intraday, buying and selling Western as well as Ny Program. When there is a higher likelihood could be opened up in a program. Keep in mind the essential evaluation. You should possess a much better possibility of achievement.

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Gartley Pattern Forex Trading

The Gartley Forex Trading Pattern is the most common Harmonic Pattern among all the patterns. HM Gartley has introduced the concept of the Gartley pattern. Using the Gartley pattern, the Famous Forex traders and investors can earn huge profit if they can spot the patterns correctly. This price pattern is complex in nature and depends on the Fibonacci ratios. This pattern is used in determining the Forex Trading (buy and sell) signals. Signals in this price pattern are determined by measuring the Price Retracement of any currency in the uptrend and downtrend.

Concept of the Gartley Pattern

In the Gartley Pattern, the two corrective waves form with in the boundary of the former impulsive wave. The two waves are equal in price and time (AB=CD). The Gartley is the result of the series of the Price Retracement Percentages and the Price Reversals. An ideal pattern could be established with the use of the Price Retracement Percentages and the Price Reversals. Use of specific Fibonacci points in this pattern makes it skillful in determining the valid trading opportunities. 78% Retracement level is the reliable Retracement in this pattern.

Look at in the figure below. A is 61.8% and point B is the Price Retracement of XA. C point is the Price Retracement of AB but with in the range of A. These movements should be according to the Fibonacci Ratios. There are two important points to be taken care of for predicting this pattern. The first important point is that XD should be 0.786 of the side XA. The second important point is the BC projection from 1.27 to 1.618. Now in the figure, point D is the right time and right price to enter a bullish position.

Harmonic gartley pattern

For the traders and investors, this is an excellent pattern because this pattern has high degree of accuracy and requires a stop loss as compared to the other patterns. So the risk to reward ratio is better in the Gartley pattern. Gartley Patterns can be bullish and bearish both as shown in the figures below.

bullish and bearish gartley pattern

How to use Gartley Pattern in Forex trading ?

Price rally on the upside can be expected after the reversal level has been established. Mid point (Point B) of the pattern becomes an important Resistance level. Long trade entry in this pattern should be placed on crossing of the low level of the mid point because this signals a strong momentum possible on the upside. Stop loss should be placed lower than the low level of the Pivot Point named D in the figure. The Forex traders and investors should initially target 61.8% of Fibonacci Ratio in the range C-D. The secondary target for the traders and investors should be the 127/161 Fibonacci Projection of the A-D range. An example is shown in the figure below.

gartley pattern chart

As indicated in the figure above, B is the preferred entry point with D as stop loss.

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

There are lots of methods to industry foreign exchange successfully. The actual variety is really excellent that there’s absolutely no incorrect method to trade - there’s just lucrative and never lucrative. Foreign exchange Scalping is actually however one of many techniques which investors utilize in order to enjoy which revenue. The investor which Scalps is generally looking for a maximum of 5 min’s at any given time. Typical deals are usually regarding 1-2 min’s for each industry. The actual investor efficiently utilizes their own obtain by utilizing influence along with a agent having a really small pip distribute.

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All about Business, Forex, Make Money


With a market as large as the Foreign Exchange, you are not important to it whatsoever. Forex will chew you up and spit you out unless you’re ready for the challenge in store. And make no mistake about it: it is a challenge to become a successful investor. Follow us as we take you through the market and expose some.

Forex trading can appear very intimidating to people who are just getting started, and beginners will sometimes make poor decisions that cost them large amounts of capital. Following the tips provided below will teach you sustainable and profitable trading methods and ensure that you can do well in forex trading. Despite its complexity, the forex market subscribes to the KISS.

Forex is simply the foreign exchange market in which one type of currency is traded for another type. Some of the users of this marketplace are businesses looking to exchange their currency for foreign currency such as when multinational businesses have to use a currency which is different than the one that is native to the country that they are.

Forex, or the foreign exchange currency market, is a valuable market for those wishing to be a part of this exciting trading system. There is a lot of information out there about Forex, some of it is great and some of it does not make any sense at all. The following article will help you gain understanding about the Forex.

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Tracking Forex Balikbayan Boxes

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If you need to know where your Forex Cargo boxes are, now you can track your balikbayan box and check the status of your shipment at any time during and after delivery. Simplemente haga clic aquí e ingrese su número de seguimiento ubicado en la barra lateral derecha del sitio.

Para localizar su número de seguimiento de la carga de divisas simplemente se refieren a su factura. El número de seguimiento se encuentra en la parte superior central de su factura.

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Harmonic Patterns For Forex Trading

Harmonic Patterns

Harmonic price pattern traders use Fibonacci numbers and geometry to define potential pivot areas. The harmonic patterns allow traders to identify a logical area to put the stop-loss – and therefore define the potential risk/reward ratio before entering a position. In this article we will look at some harmonic price pattern examples and how they are utilised to trade on the Forex market.

How can harmonic patterns be used to trade Forex?

Harmonic trading combines patterns and math into a trading method that is precise and based on the premise that patterns repeat themselves and can provide an edge. The respective patterns have clearly defined ratios and it is down to the individual trader to do the required analysis and enter trades with sensible money management. A plan with regards to taking profits and reducing risk is also vital.

Let’s take a look at the “ Gartley pattern ”.

The Gartley was first published by H. M. Gartley in the “Profits in the Stock Market” book.

The bullish Gartley pattern, as seen below, is often seen as an indication that the corrective waves are finishing and a new move higher will begin at D which is a 0.786 correction of XA and a 1.27 or 1.618 Fibonacci extension of BC.

The Gartley’s base structure is an AB=CD retrace into the prior longer move.

Traders using this pattern will be looking to go long at point D.

I personally like to see point D have confluence (see my support and resistance post for further details).

So to summarize – The Gartley pattern enables traders to enter a “with the trend” trade and clearly define the risk associated with a trade.

Bullish Gartley Pattern

Always do your top down analysis. These patterns are often fractal and exist within larger patterns. Try to look at the big picture, and pay special attention to the higher time frames, to make sure a larger pattern does not conflict with the one you have identified.

As mentioned many times before on the blog. I look for confluence when searching for trade ideas and very rarely enter on one signal alone. Patterns like the Gartley represent the confluence of Fibonacci retracement and extension levels at point D. This points towards the potential for a higher probability that market could see a subsequent reversal. I still like to see additional confluence. It’s also worth pointing out that you should “never try to catch a falling knife”, as the saying goes, when trading the markets. Try to find harmonic price patterns aligned with the prevailing market sentiment. Further to this, if you add a high quality price action signal to these setups I become even more interested. It’s about stacking the odds in my favor.

Are these harmonic patterns new to you? The Forex Tester platform is excellent for testing new trading ideas.

If you want to learn how to trade these patterns it is essential that you prove to yourself that you have an edge before trading them live.

Tagged: easy-forex

2016 is expected to be an interesting year in the global financial markets. Currency fluctuations, diverging monetary policies and uneven global growth will make for a challenging investing environment.

Nikolas Xenofontos . Director of Risk Management at leading online trading services provider easy-forex . comments,

“2016 is definitely going to be an interesting year. There are so many factors coming into play that investors will need to be on their toes as the year unfolds. From the EUR/USD achieving parity to wobbles in the sugar market, 2016 is going to bring some challenges – but of course, where there are challenges, there are also always opportunities to those keeping an eye on the right things.”

Easy-forex has listed its five key items to consider keeping a close watch on over the course of 2016:

Firstly, with divergent central bank monetary policies, and around seven-months lows, it wouldn’t be surprising to see the US dollar continue to grow in strength for at least the first half of 2016, pushing it to parity with the euro.

Meanwhile gold, which has been a non-player for most of 2015, may find that higher US interest rates continue to raise the costs of holding non-yielding assets, so no immediate improvement is expected in the early months of the New Year.

When it comes to oil, the OPEC meeting in December 2015 failed to deliver production cuts, meaning supply remains high and the price war continues. Prices are expected to reach even lower lows in 2016.

Sugar is another one you may consider watching very carefully over the year ahead. It has avoided the general commodities slump over the past year and some analysts are expecting a steady rise in prices throughout 2016. However, this may well not be the case. Brazil, a major sugar exporter, may raise production to help offset a weaker local currency, and demand in China will be under pressure with cheaper alternatives like high-fructose corn syrup being preferred.

And finally there’s the FTSE 100. While there may be some brief rallies, overall it is expected to remain under continuing pressure during 2016. Slowdown in industry, apprehension over EU membership, and global weakness may all contribute to hold back the stock market.

Easy-forex’s Nikolas Xenofontos concludes,

“The outlook for trading in 2016 is certainly not as bright as it could be, but it’s also far from gloomy. Ultimately, it’s a year that should reward those who do their research and pay very close attention to all of those factors likely to impact on the markets. Perhaps not the easiest of year’s but certainly one that will be packed with interesting events!”

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

Early 2016 may see the pound strengthen against the euro

The pound may gain strength against the dollar in the latter half of the year

Even Brexit wobbles won’t stop the pound from having a great 2016

One way or another, 2016 is going to be an interesting year for forex trading. Every year, forex trading software becomes more advanced as developers and programmers push technology to its limits in their pursuit of the ultimate trading platform. 2016 is going to be no exception, with even more advanced forex trading software coming onto the market over the course of the year.

It’s going to be an interesting year due to changes to forex trading laws as well. Nikolas Xenofontos . Director of Risk Management at leading online trading services provider easy-forex . comments,

“We’re likely to see a number of countries change their forex laws this year as a result of the disastrous effects that the de-pegging action of the Swiss National Bank had on forex companies and traders.

“We will also see Russia’s forex bill fully kick in, which will be the first time that a standard regulatory protocol has been in place for the forex market in Russia. Other countries will be tightening up their forex trading laws during 2016 and the Bank of England’s Fair and Effective Markets report is set for full implementation. All in all, it’s going to be a busy year, and that’s before we’ve even looked at individual currencies and the global events likely to affect them!”

One currency that looks set to enjoy a good year in 2016 may be the pound. Certainly against the euro it should go from strength to strength in the early part of the year, with the European Central Bank looking likely to devalue the euro in order to generate inflation.

At the same time, the UK economy is looking the healthiest it’s been since pre-crisis times. Unemployment is low and wages are on the up. However inflation is still low and that is not helping sterling right now.

Two big factors will come into play for the pound in 2016 – divergent central bank policies and EU membership. Traditionally when the Fed raises rates, the Bank of England is not far behind, though Governor Mark Carney has stressed that is unlikely in the coming year.

The other big influence may be the vote on the UK’s future in Europe, which will take place in 2016 or 2017. Many companies are apprehensive about the outcome and the pound is likely to suffer in the short-term as a result.

However, the latter part of the year may see the pound rally against the US dollar. While the dollar will enjoy a strong start to 2016, the pound may make a turnaround against it as the months pass.

All in all, despite the potential Brexit wobbles, 2016 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the British pound.

For further details visit www. easy-forex. com. email pr@easy-forex. com or call +44 203 1500 748.

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

Get your work/life/trade balance right

Don’t just talk about it – actually diversify

Know the economic calendar inside out

With 2015 drawing to a close, many traders are looking ahead to next year in hopes of either replicating their success or starting off with a clean slate. Regardless of their performance these past 12 months, it’s pretty safe to say that the New Year brings with it hopes of a better performance in 2016.

With this in mind, Nikolas Xenofontos . Director of Risk Management at leading online trading services provider easy-forex . has provided 10 New Year’s resolutions that traders of all levels should aspire to in 2016.

In order to succeed at trading (or anything, really), you need to get your priorities straight. This means setting aside sufficient time for work, life, and in the case of a part-time trader, trading. By making a resolution to spend enough time away from the screen, you are making a commitment to balancing and improving your lifestyle. This will actually help you focus on your trading goals, avoid distraction and maximize your time while you’re actually trading.

A learned trader is a more informed trader, and being more informed may help you succeed. The only way to become an informed trader is to read more, and then apply what you’ve learnt. This means reading anything and everything related to trading: fundamental analysis, technical analysis, trading books and news headlines are just a few examples. The free to download easy-forex ebook, Top 10 Stock Indices to Trade in 2016. is a great place to start.

Every single trade you take should be carefully planned. Successful traders don’t trade on a whim. They assess the markets, anticipate upcoming events and monitor the trends to understand a solid entry point. Before you go long or short on anything, ask yourself if you planned your move ahead of time. If the answer is no, stop right there.

Every trader knows they need to diversify their portfolio to limit risk exposure, but few actually do it. Take a long hard look at your trades this past year and ask yourself whether you actually invested in more than one or two asset classes. At the end of the day, diversification is to your benefit. Your ability to smooth out risks from your portfolio can often mean the difference between success and failure.

We all know that technical trading is the bread and butter of most successful traders, but that doesn’t mean they rely solely on the charts to pick winning trades. Today’s financial markets are more influenced by the economic calendar than at any time in recent memory. Economic data and monetary policy news matter. Your ability to react quickly to news events and predict the outcome may set you up for some positive gains. In 2016, endeavour to start each day by reviewing the economic calendar.

What if I told you that successful traders don’t always pick winning trades? This happens more often than you think. The point is, losses are bound to occur in trading. Picking a bad trade isn’t the end of the world if you’ve defined your loss limit. If you’ve failed repeatedly, at some point you may need to stop trading and reassess your strategy. What’s the maximum loss you can absorb? Figure it out. That’s your loss limit.

A lot of traders don’t diversify because one or two asset classes are all they know. As a trader, it’s important to dip your hand in different markets from time to time; this will not only help you diversify, but also may capitalize on opportunities provided by other markets. By the end of the year, you should be comfortable trading at least one other asset class. Remember to approach new asset classes very conservatively at first. You may consider trading in a demo account before you put down real money.

Being a trader in the digital age is amazing because you have literally dozens of charting tools available at your disposal. Whether you specialize in forex, stocks, commodities, options or any other asset class, there’s free charting software out there for you. Setting up daily charts, drawing trend lines and performing technical analysis should be performed every day.

As a trader, you’re actively engaged in trading. You’re not keen on simply cost averaging index funds year after year. You want to participate in the markets and make multiple trades on a daily or weekly basis. In that case, you need to learn to identify the warning signs. Using tools like the MACD may help you identify trend reversals so that you can respond quickly and effectively.

Remember, the purpose of trading is to make money. At the end of 2016, you will have hopefully made more money than you lost. So before you dream about millions, ask yourself whether you’ve broken even in a calendar year, let alone made a handsome profit. Being conscientious about the bottom line will keep you focused and motivated. It’ll also teach you to master your trading psychology. This goal is so simple but so fundamental to trading. Don’t lose sight of it!

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

China’s stocks climbed more than 59% before the market stalled

Chinese GDP growth still projected to be between 6.8% and 7.1% this year

Chinese GDP to keep growing until at least 2060 (OECD)

No year is ever entirely smooth for global financial markets and 2015 has certainly been no exception. Markets fluctuated between euphoria and dismay, with the Chinese stock market generating its fair share of both.

Nikolas Xenofontos . Director of Risk Management at leading online trading services provider easy-forex . comments,

“China has been the scene of possibly the greatest shock to financial markets in 2015. Prices in Shanghai hit a six year high in the spring, with investors clamouring for more exposure to Chinese markets. The result was a climb of more than 59%, but when the Chinese economy stumbled, the picture changed very quickly.”

While Europe and the United States where pumping money into the market to boost liquidity, China decided it needed to repatriate some of its capital, by selling off its US treasury holdings. This effectively began quantitative tightening and before long investor demand for Chinese stocks had plummeted, with values declining rapidly.

As growth began to stall, with the purchasing manager’s indices beginning to show contraction, the slides increased. Suddenly China’s euphoric first half of the year had turned to a tale of shrinking trade data (both imports and exports) and tumbling prices. A wave of selling and negative sentiment in late August followed multiple attempts by regulators to stem the tide of stock liquidation.

Investors were prevented from shorting stocks and at one period stock trading was halted. Stocks dropped more than 43%.

It was then that the People’s Bank of China came in with another rate cut. The bank dropped its benchmark rate and reduced reserve requirements. Almost before anyone could blink, Black Monday came along, with the market experiencing one of the biggest crashes of recent years.

Chinese stocks continue to gyrate and it will be some time before they stabilize, but the long-term outlook isn’t too glum. Certainly, China’s economy is contracting, but GDP growth is still expected to be somewhere between 6.8% (International Monetary Fund figure) and 7.1% (World Bank figure) for 2015. The International Monetary Fund has projected that it will dip to a low of 6.0% in 2017, before beginning to rise again. Even the OECD’s long-term forecast doesn’t see growth falling below 1.55% in the next 45 years. Easy-forex’s Nikolas Xenofontos concludes,

“The future for China does look broadly positive, but then it did right up until the moment the market crashed so spectacularly earlier in 2015. It just goes to show how quickly things can alter in such a complex and ever-changing world. I don’t think anyone would have predicted at the start of the year that China would be the scene of the world’s greatest financial shock in 2015.”

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

It’s that time of year when children up and down the country are getting excited about Saint Nick’s imminent annual trip down the chimney with his sack of toys. But it’s not just Father Christmas who is spreading seasonal goodwill. In the spirit of the season, Nikolas Xenofontos . Director of Risk Management at leading online trading services provider easy-forex has shared his top picks for investing in commodities in 2016. He comments,

“There are three commodities to watch closely as we head into 2016: gold, oil and copper. They bear watching for very different reasons, but all three may have an influence on global financial markets over the year ahead.”

2015 has not been kind to gold and as we head into the expected US rate hike in December, things are looking even worse (the better than expected US jobs data from November was enough to convince investors that a rate hike is certain). The result was a multi-year low for gold of $1,075 per ounce – down 9% in just two weeks.

Gold rallied as a result of the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November, with investors rushing for the shiny safe haven and pushing the price back up past the $1,200 mark and confidence around the precious metal has remained surprisingly high. Increasingly, investors are taking the view that gold really can’t fall much more than it has, even in the face of rising interest rates.

The result is likely to be one of two scenarios. Either the Fed doesn’t increase rates, which is bullish for gold, or rates are increased but the hike has been expected for so long that decreases have already been priced in. After an awful 2015, 2016 may just be gold’s year.

While 2016 is looking positive for gold, the opposite can be said for oil. The global glut has seen prices dip below the $40 per barrel mark on numerous occasions and current stockpiles are in the region of three billion barrels. Easy-forex’s Nikolas Xenofontos observes,

“Demand for oil is rising, especially with 7% growth forecast for India, but output is rising too. With US shale outputs, OPEC keeping up supply and the expectation of Iran oil entering the markets, even turbulence in the Middle East and ongoing terrorist events are unlikely to save oil prices from new lows during 2016.”

Copper’s outlook is also bearish for 2016. Prices have halved since the highs seen in 2011, with falling Chinese demand having a huge impact. China consumes 40% of the world’s copper and also influences global metal prices through speculation. With demand for copper (which is used mainly in wiring) at such a low ebb, prices will need to continue falling enough to stimulate rebalancing. Until then, it’s bears for the red metal.

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

Oil set to drop below US$40 per barrel

US stocks to continue positive trend

Dollar to surge following likely December interest rate hike

Leading online trading services provider easy-forex has just revealed its predictions for 2016. According to the company’s Strategist . Nima Siar . oil could finally break US$40 per barrel, while gold might move below US$1,000 per ounce.

“Both oil and gold are going to receive a lot of attention in early 2016, with prices expected to continue their downward trend at least over the coming couple of months. We may see both commodities breaking significant price points, with WTI oil dropping below US$40, which is only a little way above the breakeven price for some oil producing countries. High oil production and slowing global demand, as well as falling seasonal demand, are behind the latest decline in price.

“Gold is also likely to drop below US$1,000, although we could see some interesting movements during the latter half of 2016.”

Speaking in easy-forex’s latest ‘Hot Topic’ video, Siar also covers global currencies and US stocks. The regularly produced videos are part of easy-forex’s commitment to enabling anyone with an interest to trade. It’s an ethos that has seen the company go from strength to strength since its inception in 2003, with offices now in major financial centres around the world including Shanghai, Limassol, Warsaw and Sydney.

One of the reasons for easy-forex’s success has been its provision of a vast array of training resources for its traders. From training videos to demo accounts, forex ebooks and trading simulators, the company works hard to open up trading to would-be traders around the world. That includes forecasting where currencies are likely to be headed, as Nima Siar continues,

“Last week’s better than expected non-farm payroll figures in the US increased the likelihood of a December interest rate hike which would be the first such move by the Fed since 2007 and is likely to send the dollar surging. With that being said, last week the GBP/USD saw a sharp 2.47% decline, which was its largest this year and many analysts expect sterling to lose further ground in the near term. The next downside target is now looking like 1.47.”

Like many analysts, easy-forex also sees the euro falling further, to 1.0450 against the dollar in the short term.

The picture looks brighter when it comes to US stocks. After the markets rallied hard in October, the seasonal strength of Thanksgiving and Christmas is expected to keep the positive movement flowing until early 2016.

Advertencia de riesgo: Los acuerdos de tipo de interés futuro, las opciones y los CFD (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Our group of companies through its subsidiaries is licensed by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (Easy Forex Trading Ltd - CySEC, License Number 079/07), which has been passported in the European Union through the MiFID Directive and in Australia by ASIC (Easy Markets Pty Ltd - AFS license No. 246566).

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The actual 5 wave pattern arrives straight in the function associated with R. N. Elliott as well as had been re-introduced towards the buying and selling neighborhood within 1978 within the book Elliott Wave Theory – Key to Market Behavior by A. J. Frost and Robert R. Prechter. The fundamental presumption is actually which following a conclusion from the fifth wave the marketplace may retrace a minimum of 50% from the whole proceed. The actual fifth as well as last wave may occur in a number of various ways (typical fifth wave, truncated or even unsuccessful fifth wave, diagonal fifth wave). The actual abc modification (also known as a good ab=cd) is actually probably the most typical buying and selling pattern all of us observe with this technique. These types of type in most marketplaces as well as every day. They may be really efficient methods to hop on the pattern. The process with this particular pattern is available in properly determining pattern as well as recognizing whenever your abc is actually morphing in to another thing just like a complicated modification or even a good behavioral instinct wave.

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R. N. Elliott analyzed cost motion within the marketplaces as well as noticed patterns which replicate on their own. He or she utilized this particular breakthrough to create precise predictions within the stock exchange. Towards the inexperienced attention, marketplace motion can happen arbitrary as well as not related. The truth is, the actual marketplaces tend to be looking up away patterns that you could learn how to identify as well as make money from. Mr. Elliott called this particular breakthrough the actual ‘wave Principle’, however passed away prior to their function grew to become popular. Within the past due 70’s Robert Prechter along with a. T. Ice introduced Elliott’s exercise associated with obscurity within their guide ‘Elliott wave Principle’. This short article provides a couple of fundamentals within knowing the actual wave Theory. Culture conduct developments as well as reverses within identifiable patterns. This particular theory can be found in marketplace conduct simply because traders behave as well as respond to deal info. The actual conduct types repeated patterns, as well as since the patterns tend to be repeated, they’ve predictive worth. Elliott recognized 13 patterns which recur within the marketplaces. Then put together these types of patterns or even waves in to bigger variations from the exact same patterns. These types of grew to become foundations in order to patterns from the following bigger dimension.

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Using Harmonics in Forex

The popularity of harmonic trading in the currencies market

Harmonic trading has become very popular among Forex traders over the last 10 years or so. This trading system popularity grew mostly for two reasons:

High accuracy level

Clear and defined trading rules that allows programming trading algorithms

The trend of moving from discretionary trading to automation trading provided huge boost to harmonic patterns and their popularity among Forex scalpers and day trader, mainly due to the high volatility and frequent direction changes found in smaller time frames that and offer multiple opportunities in various underlines.

Unlike the stock market that tends to be more trendy, the Forex market’s volatility offers much more trading opportunities for reversal patterns like harmonic patterns and that attracts short term traders, which are the majority of FX traders, that use this very accurate trading strategy to generate constant income by exploiting these. opportunities.

Although the popularity of harmonic patterns grew mostly due to short term traders, harmonic patterns serve also swing traders, like me, each week, as you can see easily see in my newsletters (subscribe here ), from $GBPAUD example in the picture below and from the video clip at the end of this post

*Trading example – Successful AB=CD pattern on $GBPAUD

Clear and defined trading rules

Although harmonics may intimidate a technical trader that see them for the first sight, everyone who knows how to use the Fibonacci tools will be able to learn harmonics basics within couple of hours.

As mentioned above, their greatest advantage (beside the accuracy level) is the clear and defined trading rules that harmonic patterns offer, that allows any trader to follow them and know when to enter a trade, when to exit and when to take profits.

Let’s take the basic AB=CD pattern for example:

This is another recent example of a trade setup sent to the Elite Zone members (Sign up ) for Gold ($XAUUSD) – Bullish AB=CD pattern.

AB=CD pattern is basically a pattern that the price creates two equal distant moves with some pullback between them (38.2%, 50%, 61.8% or 78.6% Fib retracement levels).

In this case A point is near 1300$ and B point (the completion of the AB leg) is near 1150$ that’s about 150$ decline. Then the price retraced 50% of the move, creating C point near 1230$ and continued lower to complete the pattern near 1080$, again 150$ decline.

The completion zone, called PRZ (Potential Reversal Zone) also includes Fib extensions confluence zone, which in this case adds support to the bullish AB=CD pattern.

Our completion zone and potential reversal zone was between 1070$ and 1080$ and, as you can see in the chart, I’ve found small falling Wedge pattern that was used to trigger our entry once the price broke out of the pattern.

Back to trading rules – What are the AB=CD rules? Simple:

Point C should not exceed point A – Should reach one of the Fib levels mentioned above).

Point D should exceed point B – In this case creating a lower low.

AB leg should be equal to CD leg

The price should remain within the PRZ until the reversal occurs. In this example the price should have stayed (and it did) above 1070$.

Stop loss can be placed below the PRZ (or above it, in case of a bearish pattern).

Potential targets are the 38.2%, 50% and 61.8% Fib retracement levels for the A to D move.

Once you know how to draw the pattern, all you need to do it to place your stop loss order outside the PRZ and your take profit orders near the potential target levels.

As you can see, this bullish AB=CD pattern generated about a 100$ rally in Gold price and was one of our biggest winners during August 2015.

Learn, Practice, Master – There’s no holy grail

Above I described the advantages of harmonic patterns and showed how simple they can be to trade.

Like anything in life and especially in trading where YOUR money is at stake, you need to learn as much as you can about these patterns, practice them more and more (or follow someone that provides frequent trading examples) and master them.

Just like any other trading system out there, there are false patterns that can create losses. This isn’t the holy grail of trading that generates profit each time you press the buy/sell buttons.

There are times when harmonic patterns are simply less accurate (mostly in trendy environment) and sometimes you’ll get multiple harmonics in the same underline that you’ll have to make calculated trading decisions which only experience and knowledge will allow you to take.

There’s no replacement for experience and for practice.

As mentioned in my harmonic story (read ), I created the Zones strategy in order improve the accuracy level that harmonic patterns provide and if you want to see more of my analysis I suggest you’ll try out the Elite Zone service where I send weekly and daily harmonic based scenarios to my members (pree the button below or visit www. themarketzone. net ) with detailed explanations and trading plans.

Before you’ll leave this page, check out this video I made with multiple harmonic patterns traded on $USDJPY:

Mensaje de navegación

Thread: Forex-Prognosen Erholungs-Rallye im Euro hängt vom Nachlassen der Krise in 2013 ab

Disclaimer: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso a su inversión y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. FXCM no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

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Forex trading has the great potential of becoming a profitable and fulfilling career that will let you have a lifestyle that few other lucrative activities in the world can offer to people from many roads in life and without asking any of those men and women for a diploma or some special certification.

But Forex trading is not easy; it may be simple to enter and place your first trade but becoming a profitable trader is a different thing. You will need to acquire the right knowledge and techniques in order to understand and know when to enter or leave a trade always fulfilling the main objective every trader must have; making money.

There are two kinds of analysis you can perform on the Forex markets. They are known as technical analysis and fundamental analysis. It is common that traders tend to divide themselves into “technical” and “fundamentalists”. Each group devoting themselves to the main tools each kind of analysis gives them.

Technical forex traders base their trading on the analysis of the charts and the number of indicators derived from the plots of price oscillations and patterns. Meanwhile Fundamentalists traders base their trading mostly on the fundamental numbers and economical indicators of countries economies. Though, even if divided, both tendencies tend to complement each other to some degree.

In this article I will place myself on the “fundamentalists” side and focus on one of the situations every forex trader must be aware of and don't let the events involved affect his trading efforts.

This risky situation is that when unprecedented chaotic world events start to develop as the trading day goes on. The power of the media (tv, internet, printed) can magnify and sometimes it may even distort the events taking place and impacting the trading journey in a significant manner. The result of this magnification and rapid diffusion of the news about the series of unfavorable events taking place is an increased atmosphere of fear, confusion and uncertainty in the trading world. And fearful traders are not prone to make the best trading choices because they have given themselves to panic and emotional reactions instead of reasoned and intelligent decisions.

If you need to have more specific examples of these kind of events you can search a bit inside your memories and consider the impact of just a few types of unfavorable chaotic world events as the political upheavals or corporate scandals of companies as; Enron, WorldCom, or of people as the case of Martha Stewart trial, etc. There is also the example of the terrorist attacks on Sep 11 in New York, March 11 in Spain, etc. Also natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, freezes, droughts, hurricanes along with wars can cause great disruption in a trading journey.

In short, every forex trader should be totally sure that his method of trading has built-in safe guards (stops, limit orders) to prevent a major financial loss from his trading account in case any of the unfavorable events I mentioned above ever takes place. And being realistic, many of those events will surely happen in the future.

As a professional in the Foreign exchange sector, I’m commonly asked by my good friends and also household regarding the very best method to trade Forex. Well, the very first point I tell them is “Don’t”, due to the fact that Forex investing calls for a major commitment that lots of people can’t follow up with a lot of the time. Of course, there are always the relentless ones which don’t lose hope that effortlessly, because they are major in their need to discover how you can trade Forex.

If you’re not visiting quit on your wish to discover how to trade Foreign exchange effectively, after that I intend to let you in on a number of little secrets that Foreign exchange teachers and ‘professionals’ will rarely discuss. By the end of this short article, you’ll be clued in on the most effective method to trade Foreign exchange that many people do not also understand about.

Challenges Every New Trader Deals with

Every new trader has one substantial hurdle when they start to learn to trade Forex . sí mismos. Which you are as a person and also every little thing that you have picked up from your life experiences up to this issue is not a property on the planet of Forex investing, as a matter of fact, it is a substantial liability. If you try to bring your typical, day-to-day option making processes into the world of Foreign exchange investing, you will experience a great deal of aggravating losses.

Allow me offer you an instance to highlight just how hard it is to discover ways to trade Forex. Commonly in life, and also I know that this is an oversimplification yet do birth with me here, we mature discovering through good and also unfavorable support. In the case of favorable support, it indicates that when we do something, and the result makes us really feel excellent, after that we’ll keep doing that something. When it come to adverse reinforcement, it implies that if we do something, as well as the outcome makes us really feel bad, then we’ll quit doing that something.

Pavlov’s Bell In Forex Trading

That’s all well and also excellent to maintain you from melting your hand on a very hot oven, yet if you enable favorable and also negative reinforcements to control your trading, after that you’re in for a genuine baptism of fire on the market. That’s not the very best means to trade Foreign exchange … it’s the worst! That’s because the Forex markets have a certain component of randomness to them. That means that a person day, you might decide to take a lengthy profession based on your evaluation of specific signs or patterns, and also if it is profitable that day, you’ll associate that pattern based on the fellow feelings you have for victorying.

Now comes the part that acquires investors stuck for many years in a pattern of failure as well as despair. Tomorrow, when you view the very same pattern or concern the very same conclusion for a lengthy profession from your analysis, after that you’ll take the field again. Simply this time around, the cost falls as well as you leave the field muddle-headed. Now you’re feeling bad concerning your profession, as well as all these negative feelings get related to the recently successful pattern or analysis. Now visualize this dynamic in play for hundreds of trades and dozens of combinations of patterns and so on, as well as you have a real dish for complication and also disappointment.

The most effective Means To Field Foreign exchange Lots of people do not also understand that they’re being had an effect on by the reinforcements that the Forex markets give out, which is why they run around for several years from Forex expert to Forex specialist, trying to find the very best means to trade Foreign exchange to ensure that they don’t have to lose, since in their minds shedding misbehaves. Well, the very best means to trade Foreign exchange isn’t really to avoid losses at all! The best means to trade Forex is to discover a pattern or profession possibility that pays in the long run.

The best way to trade Forex addiction is to overcome the all-natural propensity of your mind to assume in absolutes, and start thinking in possibilities. That implies that rather than thinking about just one trade or a handful of trades, you assess the exact same profession opportunity over a hundred or perhaps hundreds of fields. If by trading this ‘long run’ of fields you end up with a considerable revenue, then you maintain trading it. Otherwise, then you neglect it and use this exact same analysis and also line of believing to other field opportunities.

Do not Learn Ways to Field Forex From the ground up!

Undoubtedly, this whole process obtains really laborious if you’re constantly doing it manually, since there are thousands of combos of signs, patterns as well as market disorders to examine! That’s where you could save yourself a great deal of time and cash by piggybacking on a person else’s efforts in locating these rewarding opportunities, and even have a pre-programmed hvac system in place that can trade these chances for you. As an investor wanting to discover how to trade Foreign exchange, you’ll obtain where you intend to be a lot much faster if you acquire yourself a simple Foreign exchange trading hvac system rather than to develop and trade one yourself.

That stated, without overcoming the difficulties of good and negative reinforcement in Forex trading, you’re no better off with a hvac system than investing by yourself. The hvac system is not the trick, yet your understanding of the very best means to trade Forex is. So, switch your reasoning from absolutes to probabilities, and when you’re ready, save on your own a lot of time and initiative by buying an easy Forex investing system.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

My experience with investtechfx has been terrible in the past. i'm lucky only to not have deposited much money with them. it is usually people with a lot of money that really get it bad from them. Please if u have any common sense at all, don't put your money with investtechfx because they are not a regulated forex broker and their business practices are unethical. same as 1pipfix and alot of other crap companies.

juanita seaton. AB.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My husband has traded with ITFX for a little over 6 mos, before we read any negative review about ITFX. At the beginning of last week we asked to close and withdraw our funds from his account, he studied hard, worked hard, gained a profit from his inital 2K to a little over 5K. My husband contacted them by email on THIER site, however, there was no way for us to track that we had ever even sent an email, then the word \\\\\\\"scam\\\\\\\" came up, we started our own research and found out all kinds of folks were having money graciously accepted by this company but were not able to withdraw from this company, even tho IT IS OUR MONEY, OUR HARD WORK, that would make ITFX any money. I realized the emails were going no where as a result I insisted I fax our withdrawl form, that way we HAVE proof of our request, as of Monday they assured me no more than the promised 72 hrs, to make sure there was absolutely no delay in our funds coming thru, I called, spoke with Amanda on Monday she did confirm the bank withdrawl fax was rec\\\\\\\'d on Monday March 7, to make sure ALL necessary paper work was in order to make thier job easy our money easy to access quickly. today, my husband rec\\\\\\\'d an email as for copies of his ID, drivers licence, along with a piece of info with our mailing address on it, faxed it immediately, questioning Amanda why she did not disclose that we needed this info last week, before the third attempt to get our funds, today, she assures me that it will not hold up our funds, as I was promised the funds NO LATER than tomorrow eve. As I privately researched to the wee hours of the am, I decided to punch in the phone no. (a piece of advise given to me by our local phone co. using the reverse phone search method, putting the phone no. in the search engine to be sure a co is legite) UPS, kinda strange not related to anything Investtech or ITFX or Investech or any brokerage for that matter. If our money is not in the account by tomorrow as repeatedly promised, we are not afraid to take it to the press, and expose them, if they truly are the fraud it is beginning to feel like they are, when you read the reviews, we are not the only ones concerned, anyone else debating a move with any of these companies InvesttechFX, Investech, ITFX, pls. do your homework, I am not qualified to say for certain they are a scam, it sure feels like it. They claim the money takes 72hrs to transfer, yet me a \\\\\\\"little gal\\\\\\\" can transfer funds within 20 minutes to the same city they are in. or claim to be in. I do not understand we have to do this check or that check, they never had to do that when they happily took my husbands money that he had to work so hard to obtain in the first place. The more I research, the more BAD NEWS, it is heart wrenching to hear reviews of people that have sunk many K\\\\\\\'s into this co. not able to re coup them, they to have lives and DESERVE thier funds. This negative publicity would not be there in the amount that it is, if at least some of it were not true, as they saying goes, \\\\\\\"behind every rumor is a grain of truth\\\\\\\" Hope our money comes thru tomorrow, we will keep you posted. Pls note someone else has also posted info to contact the TORONTO ONTARIO POLICE if you feel you have been scammed by this company. My moral of this story, study hard for a good broker, people as a rule do not write nasty stuff without some good reason, ask tons of questions, every claim they make to belong to a company ie CDIC follow it up to be SURE, if you do go with ITFX keep every shred of paper and every call documented or recorded you may need it. Sincerly, the concerned wife of investor of Investtech FX not wanting ANYONE out thier to be hurt. Will keep you posted, as for us, if it does not come thru, we will be going public.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The following is an official response from InvestTechFX -

InvestTehcFX has worldwide affiliates including Introducing Brokers (IB) and White Label (WL) that use our MT4 software trading platform for their customers. Those affiliates have their own independent business practices and websites which their customers are advised to adhere to. These IB’s have their own independent business practices, websites, company names as well as their own policies and disclaimers. Our affiliate’s customers are advised to follow all policies between all parties. To protect the practices and maintain ethics between affiliates and the clients, InvestTechFX recommends our affiliates use the InvestTechFX’s legal disclaimers or those similar in order to prevent any future misunderstandings between all parties and representatives.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Advertencia. InvestTechFX(ITFX) is running away with our money! This is their new website: http://www. intertechfx. com.

This website was registered three months ago. And its name is also ITFX! You can find that its trading condition is exactly the same as InvestTechFX. The content of webpage http://www. intertechfx. com/Disclaimer. php is exactly the same as http://investtechfx. com/ITDisclaimer. asp.

ITFX is ABSOLUTELY a SCAM. If you want to withdraw the profit with part of your deposit, you will get nothing except all kinds of excuses that don't allow you to withdraw. My three friends and I are all cheated by them. We can provide all the evidence including emails, online chats, and all the histories of trading orders.

Don't believe so-called VIP account. They cheat you to trade for fully one year and claim that you can withdraw after one year. But when my friend requested withdraw after one year trading, they unexpectedly found other reason to renew the VIP account for another year and didn't give him any real money. In short, you never could withdraw any profit from them!

All the people that I know who opened their accounts in ITFX are cheated. ITFX is really a bullshit.

Anyone who makes money and take out the profit, show us your proof.

Breakout Trading

True and False Price Breakout

False First Breakout

The first breakout through a striking level with is most often a false breakout so that not only the stop orders at the striking price level get triggered (stop running) but also the stop orders of some breakout traders, who entered at the breakout of the important chart level. The true breakout might or might not occur depending on the intention of the market manipulator. The false first breakout often occurs with time frames / candle duration of 1 hour and above, where arguably more breakout traders try to catch a breakout than on smaller time frames. But it is usually also visible on smaller time frames. So, the false first breakout is aimed to fool the breakout traders, see also Forex Price Manipulation .

If the first breakout is not immediately retraced back to catch the stops of the triggered limit orders of the breakout traders then most often price is retracing back to the breakout level later, particular after another important stop level got cleared.

The market price manipulation is working against popular trading strategies and ensures that the chances to gain profits in trading remains low ("no free lunch"). In regards of this, the popular mainstream strategy to let winning trades run and to use small stops seem to be questionable if market often retests the breakout level to clear the stops of the breakout traders.

The false first breakout is also aimed to fool some breakout traders who are using momentum trading strategies/ filter strategies. Momentum traders are often entering the market after a strong surge in momentum/ strong recent candle at the top/ low of the candle with a limit order while often using a small stop. So, a false first breakout through the high/ low of the the momentum candle is aimed to catch the stops of these breakout traders.

Breakout Timing

Market often breaks Support/ Resistance either for a true price breakout or false price breakout/ shake out (stop fishing) with the beginning of a new candle of the higher time frame particularly if the previous candle of the higher time frame closed at support (with a bearish candle) or at resistance (with a bullish candle). The new candle then often penetrates the level for a new low/ high particularly within the beginning of the new candle (e. g. hourly/ 4-hourly, daily but also 5 min candles..)

In another way, if a strong bullish or weak bearish candle closed at resistance/ support then the next candle is likely to break this level for a true or false price breakout. Before the true breakout occurs market most often retraces back slightly to catch the stops of the breakout traders. A true breakout is more likely to occur if market already cleared the breakout limit orders above a striking level - see also Forex Price Manipulation .

What Time Zone to use

London Time Zone (GMT +0 / GMT +1) is recommended for Forex Trading (Considering 4 hour and daily candle chart) and for the calculation of Pivot Points

Breakout Trading

Some Examples for Breakout Trading in regards of Timing

On the 5 min chart (below) we see the three wave/ triangle consolidation (red circle), which is visible as a bear flag on the 1 hour chart. The green circle shows a small bear flag prior to the breach of yesterday's low (red line) with the beginning of the new hourly candle at 11 a. m. (Timing). The blue circle on the 5 min chart shows another bear flag which got triggered with the beginning of the new 4-hour candle at 12 a. m. (Timing setup).

Breakout Timing setup

Another one: See thick red ellipses (below). The 4-hour candle closed at resistance (respecting the falling trend line) and broke through it with the next 4-hour candle (Timing setup).

Breakout Timing setup in Trading/ Triangle breakout

Trendline Break Timing

On the 4-hour chart (left) we see that the Euro touched (respected) the daily trendline (red) with the closing of the 4-hour candle at 4 p. m. The Euro initially dropped further with the beginning of the new 4-hour candle starting at 4 p. m. (Timing) and the Euro penetrated the low of the 18th of June (green line).

On the 1 hour EUR/USD chart below (last 10 candlesticks) we see how market closed at support and breached it with the beginning of the new hourly candle (Timing setup - red ellipses, market closed at each support level (10 SMA, 20 SMA and daily pivot point ) and broke through it with the new hourly candle). The repeated pattern of a bearish candle close at a support level and the following break of this support level with the beginning of a new candle occurs often in a strong bearish trend or a surge in downside momentum.

1 hour strong trend/ momentum

If you have the chance to learn the forex online then you can possibly meet a lot of rich people. You will see a lot of traders in the field of this foreign trading online.

Withint the forex method, there is no easy way to do it. If a person decided to do the forex trading without any training and practice about it then that will give them a lot of losses. If you have some reliable source and learning operation you can earn the money you want.

There are also some learn forex in the internet regarding forex trading. You do not need to attend school and seminars. If you are also looking for some free learning then you can have it online and learn the basics. But if you are not satisfied with that you can try to do some search with website that will ask for some pay within the information.

And if you are willing to pay you can have the best video training available online to assist you on instant learning. You can have low cost on the forex trading. If you have the best course that teaches you the best way you can pay them big if you already have some profits regarding this.

You can still have foreign exchange tradings even if you see a lot of currencies in the world that is rising and falling sometime. All the times that you hear the rate of dollar rise and fall, there are a lot of traders that do trade regardless to that. You can still earn money even if the value of dollar falls.

Forex trading is not a gambling thing like some other people say. You can never apply gambling with the system of forex market and some statistical probabilities. Sometimes change in the value of currency is not a random events. Some of the reason why there are some changes like that is the position of different countries and then the events happening to them. One example is that there will be an effect to the value if there is a change in interest. There will be a big change in the prices of oil.

Luckily you will not need to understand the economic table or prediction on the movements of it then that will take currency profit still. A lot of traders stay out of the market on the time of interest rate change or if there are some big news announced and then they will judge what will happen next after that.

Some of the quality learn forex system offers you a chart that will be your basis to know what is the status of the trade and then also make you decide when to enter the market. There is a system based on two or more indicators that you need to follow. If you want to have a trade open, you must wait for a right signal.

You can have this system available to purchase. If you want to have some quality eBook, you need to prepare about less than $100. You can see a lot of courses regarding this that cost more. You must be sure that you have the best of the courses that is offered online then have profit regarding it.

If you will about to begin the learning of Forex then that will make you confused and give you hard time to navigate it. You should know that the meaning of Forex is foreign exchange. If you want the best way to learn about foreign exchange you can try to have the full-time educational programs. If you have to spend on the learning process then you can try to read some Forex book. You need to give a lot of your time if you want to really know things about it. You will learn a lot on the Forex thing. If you try to work on the Forex broker or trading firm that will be one way of learning more about the Forex.

Whatever the process you will try to have it will still be hard for you to learn Forex. If you will try to find why that happens, it is because Forex is one of the largest market in the world that happens to trade twenty-four hours a day. One more thing is that it is made difficult to really know well about it because there is no centralized trading post. The process of learning in a seamless way and global reach give you some advantage too.

You should know that a lot of exchange that is happening in Forex is always related to the speculative nature. The rest percentage need to use some foreign currency to buy from the other countries. More of the trades are looking to turn some profit on the trading on foreign currency.

You need to know which of the Forex are important to the market and that is necessary if you want to learn about it. This markets include some countries like New York. Tokyo and London. And if you want to know the currencies that is mostly used are the dollar of United States, Yen to the Japanese and Pounds for the France and British. Pairs are usually traded in this currencies.

One of the things that may hinder someone who wants to learn Forex is the real time conditions. You will really have a hard time on making a second decision in the real time market. You can be successful with this because you learned all the things you need to know and you think about it a lot of times before making a decision.

You will need a lot of patience and time on whatever the method you choose to have in learning about foreign exchange. All of the efforts and time you gave in the time of learning foreign exchange will give you the best result ever.

Forex trading could be a very successful career with huge income prospect. However, it is also believed to be simultaneously high risk. This is even real for a starter.

So, the number 1 question – how to begin?

Primarily, in order to win and lower your risk, you have to create a plan and know the strategies and systems that would reduce your risk and of course maximize profits. See to learn forex. What I typically implied is to take a forex education. It could be local classes you attend at your neighborhood or online forex courses that you could sign up to.

You have to find a reliable one, with real successful track record. Do not attempt to begin on your own without proper guidance or education.

Next, you also have to own a platform, a software to do the trading. There are a lot of professional traders who have EAs or Forex robot that aid them in automation of the trading procedures. Of course, you have to comprehend the parameters and figures to set first before you may even begin on this trading software. You have to understand how to properly use leverage, most importantly how to protect your money, where should you put your stops, reasons for forex losses and how to prevent common pitfalls, and so on. There are countless courses provided related to forex regardless of whether they are offline or online courses. There are hundreds or thousands of them. How would you differentiate which are the best, which are trustworthy and the most vital is you don’t fall for scams.

Introducing Number 1 Forex Trading Course – Daily Trading System

Daily Trading System created by Loz Lawn is one of the excellent trading course that I have experienced. One that includes basic to intermediate to advance.

Most importantly, the course is developed with the newbie in mind. There are manuals given as well as videos educating you how to trade for an amateur. Besides that, Daily Trading System also offers a software platform where you can practice your trade. You can make a live or demo account.

All-in-all, Daily Trading System is ideal for your forex trading experience.

It is the only course you require with all the important tool to be able to win trading are offered in the course. As it is an online course, you could learn forex on your own space and try using demo accounts.

Trading the forex market is wonderful and simple technique to bring home extra money every month. Nevertheless, it may also be one of the most complicated and frustrating endeavors you have ever tried to master. This is exactly the reason why if you are interested to trade forex you have to make sure you begun on the proper path by not assuming to much on getting rich over night from finding that “holy grail” Sistema comercial. This is definitely what several aspiring traders attempt to do, so it is of very great significance that you take the essential time and provide the important patience to know currency trading in a methodical and effective way.

Starting forex traders usually have one of two routes while learning to trade the market. The first group of traders are those that would have anything to obtain their forex education in a haphazard technique by analyzing every single indicator they can get their hands on. They then go for the combination of indicators hoping to get that perfect arrangement that would provide them definitely perfect entry and exit signals. What this first group of traders fails to recognize is chiefly that the specific trading technique you utilize to trade the market with is not nearly as crucial as how well you could maintain your risk and control your emotions. Because they fail to realize this while knowing how to trade, they continue in this unending search for the “holy grail” trading system that simply does not exist.

The second group of traders are those that learn forex trading in a methodical system from a respected source that educates a simple trading method that is proven to be successful over time however that does not make an overnight success or instant riches. The reason why knowing currency trading from a source that teaches simple trading techniques is suitable because of the reality that the source teaches a simple trading technique proves that they know that the specific trading method you utilize is not the most crucial aspect to trading success. The explanation why simple trading methodologies are excellent to know in learn forex trading is that they facilitate to form the simplistic and logical trading mindset that is crucial for victory in the forex market.

In trying to learn forex in a technique that would provide you a consistenly profitable forex trader it is necessary that you don’t mistakenly take up the path of haphazard learning. Several traders follow this path because they really don’t understand which techniques work and which don’t work when learning forex. As you learn forex trading, one of the biggest hint that your are tracking the right path will be when the person or source you are learning forex from is an expert in the forex field. Another big sign that you are on the proper path as you learn currency trading is when the specific method you are learning to trade with looks logical, effective, and easy to use, since it is not needed to make learn forex any harder than it already is.

Are you interested to learn Forex Trading? Maybe you have learned from your family and friends that so and so has profited millions of dollars every year trading forex and you desire to have a piece of the action and the moeny too.

Well, let me tell you something that earning money trading forex is probable however there is a learning curve required and many people would probably end up losing money initially. I would name it a lesson learned through paying your fees, in this situation your money.

Don’t get me started however based from my own experience, I learned through experiencing countless mistakes and losing money. From there, I recognized the mistakes I’ve made and steadily begin to make money after some years of practice.

Below are few tips that will facilitate shorten this learning curve if you are interested to learn forex trading.

1. Forex Trading Learning

I certainly think a forex trading education is very important.

Forex trading is basically a technical game and it requires a basic grasp of financial and forex terms before you begin trading forex. For example terms like pivot point, ask and bid price, bid/ask spread, limit and stop order and more. There are several free forex trading courses and tutorials present online thus you are not required to pay any money when you begin learning forex trading.

Once you have learned few experience and trade in the forex market after a while, then you are eligible to purchase intermediate to advanced forex trading courses like the forexmentor course.

2. The Advantage of Mini Forex Account or Forex Simulator

I definitely advised you to try a forex simulator when you are trading for the first time to experience it.

You can look on the internet for free forex simulator.

Once you experience it, I advise you make a mini forex account.

Opening a mini forex account, will give you the opportunity for trading real money with as little as 100 US dollars

Another reason is when you don’t have enough money to make a regular forex account because there is normally a minimum amount of US $5000.

The mini forex account functions exactly the same compared to a regular forex account and it is recommended to start learning and making mistakes since your losses are lower.

If you wish to learn forex trading, the two helpful tips stated above would help shorten your learning curve and your losses.

Over the coming days, I shall try & put together some useful shortcuts, handy tips on navigating the increasingly popular Meta Trader 4 trading platform. I hope these posts will be useful for you & that you benefit fom them.

Also I will try and upload some useful indicators, expert advisors and forex trading articles that I have collected over the years, that I have found to have helped me to understand this intriguing business.


Forex Patterns and Proababilities(PDF Download)

Forex Patterns and Proababilities(PDF Download)

Most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics. There are plenty of books about the origins and history of currency trading, but very little in the way of useful, practical trading information. Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides readers with a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading—real world strategies that tell the student when to enter, when to exit, and how to manage trades. Este libro ofrece a los comerciantes con metodologías paso a paso que se basan en las tendencias del mercado real.

__________________ Free forex ebook Download It’s easy, takes only 5 minutes, and you even earn $5 cash reward!

Encyclopedia of chart patterns

06-03-2009, 09:16 AM

Join Date: Jun 2009

Encyclopedia of chart patterns

Below one is very nice. very few books have given hard data on how good and bad the patterns in probability.

Encyclopedia of chart patterns By Thomas N. Bulkowski Edition: 2, illustrated Published by John Wiley and Sons, 2005 ISBN 0471668265, 9780471668268

Originally Posted by dearforex

Most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics. There are plenty of books about the origins and history of currency trading, but very little in the way of useful, practical trading information. Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides readers with a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading—real world strategies that tell the student when to enter, when to exit, and how to manage trades. Este libro ofrece a los comerciantes con metodologías paso a paso que se basan en las tendencias del mercado real.

Thanks for sharing the information. There are different methods to learn Forex training. Choose the systems or method that suits you the best. The best systems are those that are proven to provide good and consistent results. Trading doesn't require a lot of prior knowledge when you use a proven system. You can quickly learn to make a profit. Look for a system that offers the least amount of stress as well as the least amount of work.

__________________ analyze forex trading

07-27-2009, 05:58 AM

Join Date: May 2009

Thank You for sharing.

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Todas las horas son GMT. The time now is 12:18 PM .

Los miembros registrados tienen acceso libre a herramientas de comercio de divisas FOREX en línea, software de divisas, asesores expertos MT4 / MT5 de Metatrader, indicadores MT4 y EAs. Regístrate ahora

Understanding Forex Risk Management

Trading is the exchange of goods or services between two or more parties. So if you need gasoline for your car, then you would trade your dollars for gasoline. In the old days, and still in some societies, trading was done by barter. where one commodity was swapped for another. A trade may have gone like this: Person A will fix Person B's broken window in exchange for a basket of apples from Person B's tree. This is a practical, easy to manage, day-to-day example of making a trade, with relatively easy management of risk. In order to lessen the risk, Person A might ask Person B to show his apples, to make sure they are good to eat, before fixing the window. This is how trading has been for millennia: a practical, thoughtful human process.

This is Now Now enter the world wide web and all of a sudden risk can become completely out of control, in part due to the speed at which a transaction can take place. In fact, the speed of the transaction, the instant gratification and the adrenalin rush of making a profit in less than 60 seconds can often trigger a gambling instinct, to which many traders may succumb. Hence, they might turn to online trading as a form of gambling rather than approaching trading as a professional business that requires proper speculative habits. (Learn more in Are You Investing Or Gambling? )

Speculating as a trader is not gambling. The difference between gambling and speculating is risk management. In other words, with speculating, you have some kind of control over your risk, whereas with gambling you don't. Even a card game such as Poker can be played with either the mindset of a gambler or with the mindset of a speculator, usually with totally different outcomes.

Betting Strategies There are three basic ways to take a bet: Martingale. anti-Martingale or speculative. Speculation comes from the Latin word "speculari," meaning to spy out or look forward.

In a Martingale strategy, you would double-up your bet each time you lose, and hope that eventually the losing streak will end and you will make a favorable bet, thereby recovering all your losses and even making a small profit.

Using an anti-Martingale strategy, you would halve your bets each time you lost, but would double your bets each time you won. This theory assumes that you can capitalize on a winning streak and profit accordingly. Clearly, for online traders, this is the better of the two strategies to adopt. It is always less risky to take your losses quickly and add or increase your trade size when you are winning.

However, no trade should be taken without first stacking the odds in your favor, and if this is not clearly possible then no trade should be taken at all. (For more on the Martingale method, read FX Trading The Martingale Way .)

Know the Odds So, the first rule in risk management is to calculate the odds of your trade being successful. To do that, you need to grasp both fundamental and technical analysis. You will need to understand the dynamics of the market in which you are trading, and also know where the likely psychological price trigger points are, which a price chart can help you decide.

Once a decision is made to take the trade then the next most important factor is in how you control or manage the risk. Remember, if you can measure the risk, you can, for the most part, manage it.

In stacking the odds in your favor, it is important to draw a line in the sand, which will be your cut out point if the market trades to that level. The difference between this cut-out point and where you enter the market is your risk. Psychologically, you must accept this risk upfront before you even take the trade. If you can accept the potential loss, and you are OK with it, then you can consider the trade further. If the loss will be too much for you to bear, then you must not take the trade or else you will be severely stressed and unable to be objective as your trade proceeds.

Liquidity The next risk factor to study is liquidity. Liquidity means that there are a sufficient number of buyers and sellers at current prices to easily and efficiently take your trade. In the case of the forex markets, liquidity, at least in the major currencies, is never a problem. This liquidity is known as market liquidity, and in the spot cash forex market, it accounts for some $2 trillion per day in trading volume.

However, this liquidity is not necessarily available to all brokers and is not the same in all currency pairs. It is really the broker liquidity that will affect you as a trader. Unless you trade directly with a large forex dealing bank, you most likely will need to rely on an online broker to hold your account and to execute your trades accordingly. Questions relating to broker risk are beyond the scope of this article, but large, well-known and well capitalized brokers should be fine for most retail online traders, at least in terms of having sufficient liquidity to effectively execute your trade.

Risk per Trade Another aspect of risk is determined by how much trading capital you have available. Risk per trade should always be a small percentage of your total capital. A good starting percentage could be 2% of your available trading capital. So, for example, if you have $5000 in your account, the maximum loss allowable should be no more than 2%. With these parameters your maximum loss would be $100 per trade. A 2% loss per trade would mean you can be wrong 50 times in a row before you wipe out your account. This is an unlikely scenario if you have a proper system for stacking the odds in your favor.

So how do we actually measure the risk?

The way to measure risk per trade is by using your price chart. This is best demonstrated by looking at a chart as follows:

Figure 1: EUR/USD One-Hour Time Frame

Un mercado bajista se define tradicionalmente como un período de rendimientos negativos en el mercado más amplio a la magnitud de entre. Leer respuesta completa >>

En primer lugar, entiendo que no hay un sistema universal con respecto a las comisiones de negociación cobradas por las firmas de corretaje. Algunos cobran. Leer respuesta completa >>

Un fondo mutuo es simplemente un grupo grande de gente que agrupa su dinero junto para que una compañía de gerencia invierta. Y, como. Leer respuesta completa >>

Una orden stop-loss, o stop order, es un tipo de orden comercial avanzada que se puede colocar en la mayoría de las casas de corretaje. El orden. Leer respuesta completa >>

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La fecha de vencimiento de varios futuros de índices bursátiles, opciones de índices bursátiles, opciones sobre acciones y futuros sobre acciones individuales. Todas las acciones.

La tasa de rendimiento de una propiedad de inversión de bienes raíces sobre la base de los ingresos que la propiedad se espera que genere.

Una relación de deuda y rentabilidad utilizada para determinar la facilidad con que una empresa puede pagar intereses sobre la deuda pendiente.

Una cuenta que se puede encontrar en la parte de activos del balance de una empresa. La buena voluntad a menudo puede surgir cuando una empresa.

Un fondo de índice es un tipo de fondo mutuo con una cartera construida para igualar o rastrear los componentes de un índice de mercado, tales.

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Forex Currency Trading System-FX Trading

For a beginner, a forex currency trading system may seem to be a whole new world but in fact the basics are quite easy to learn. You just need to understand the buzz words and trading terms and grasp a basic understanding of how the markets work.

Making big money in a short time is what forex currency trading is all about! It is possible for investors to make a lot of money very fast because the rates of exchange on the foreign market can rise and fall quickly. This means of course that it is risky and there is also a chance of losing a lot, just like most things in life that have the potential of big returns.

As you will know if you have ever exchanged currency for a vacation, the rates are constantly changing. For example you may change $100 into another currency planning to travel, and then find that you do not need it and change it back. The rate will probably have changed in the meantime and you may even have made a profit.

Forex traders deal in currencies hoping to make a profit all of the time, but instead of changing money at the bank they use a broker. Most transactions these days are handled online. In many ways it is not so different from stock trading. There is the same potential to trade in margins where a small balance held by your broker can control much larger deals.

One difference from stock exchange trading is that forex traders are not limited to dealing in their own country. You can trade any two currencies regardless of where you live. This also means that the market is international. Because of time zone differences, it is open 24 hours a day from Monday morning in Australia to Friday afternoon in New York.

Each currency is represented by 3 letters: USD for the US dollar, GBP for the British pound, EUR for the Euro, JPY for the Japanese Yen, CHF for the Swiss franc, CAD for the Canadian dollar, AUD for the Australian dollar etc. The exchange rate between two currencies may be expressed like this: USD/CHF 1.14. This means that to buy one US dollar you will need 1.14 Swiss francs.

If you want to start out with a forex currency trading system. you will need to look for a broker or investment management company that you trust. It is worth shopping around and checking online forums for recommendations. Check out how long the company has been in business and what your rights and liabilities will be. Read all of the fine print.

You will probably also want to use a bot to do your trading for you. This is automated forex trading software that can trade 24 hours a day according to rules that you set for it. There is usually a demo option so that you can test out the whole system for a while before you let it trade with real money. There are many forex robots on the market and most of them come with full instructions for beginner forex currency trading.

Forex Guidebook & Financial Terms

Stop order A stop order is an order to buy or sell once a pre-defined price is reached. When the price is reached, the stop order becomes a market order and is executed at the best available price. It is important to remember that stop orders can be affected by market gaps and slippage, and will not necessarily be executed at the stop level if the market does not trade at this price. A stop order will be filled at the next available price once the stop level has been reached. Placing contingent orders may not necessarily limit your losses.

Stop loss order This is an order placed to sell below the current price (to close a long position), or to buy above the current price (to close a short position). Stop loss orders are an important risk management tool. By setting stop loss orders against open positions you can limit your potential downside should the market move against you. Remember that stop orders do not guarantee your execution price – a stop order is triggered once the stop level is reached, and will be executed at the next available price.

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From Chicago: Exit 94 at 173 and go east (Turn right at 173) Take 173 east approximately 8 miles until you hit Sheridan Rd. Go north (Turn Left) on Sheridan Rd. Take Sheridan Rd North approximately 3 miles. Just after passing under the blue Pedestrian bridge you will come to 7th street, Turn Right Follow 7th to the end. Turn left at the stop sign and then right to the second stop sign. Turn right and follow the road around the charter basin area to the AB dock area for unloading.

From Wisconsin: Exit 94 at 41. Go south on 41 until you hit 173 at the lights and go east (Turn Left at 173) Take 173 east approximately 8 miles until you hit Sheridan Rd. Go north (Turn Left) on Sheridan Rd. Take Sheridan Rd North approximately 3 miles. Just after passing under the blue Pedestrian bridge you will come to 7th street, Turn Right Follow 7th to the end. Turn left at the stop sign and then right to the second stop sign. Turn right and follow the road around the charter basin area to the AB dock area for unloading.


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Pattern 5-0 — Another Harmonic model. which we will use the forex market (remember that we recently saw forex strategy «butterfly effect». based also on the harmonic model — Butterfly), this « 5-0 «, meets on all currency pairs and can be used for closing the transaction at any time interval.

Pattern 5-0 is exactly the same as all the harmonic model for selling and buying.

Let us consider the classical version of the 5-0 for sale . It looks like this:

1. On the chart, we notice that the price originally directed downward from the point 0 to point X (where the point 0, shall be located above the point A)

2. Further, the price makes a corrective move from point X to point A

3. point B in this case is directed in the same way as the original trend of OX, and the point B is located at a distance from 1.13 to 1.618 on the length of XA

If this ratio does not match, then about any possibility of forming a 5-0 lead on it was not worth it!

4. Then we expect the formation of point C, which should be within 1.618 — 2.24 of the segment AB

5. Once formed the point C and the price went down, we construct a parallel channel by 3 points: the AU and hold a parallel line through point B .

6. At the same time about this 2 nd parallel to the line and we will have is a point at which we will enter into a deal to buy. and it will be located at a distance of 50% Fibonacci segment BC !

So it should be noted that AB = (or approximately equal) CD

7. Once we have determined the entry point to set aside an order to Buy — Buy Limit your selected volume, according to the rules of Money Management in Forex !

8. The next step — t o set the stop-loss him . I personally recommend setting for the next important level for the Fibonacci sequence, in this case on several points nizhu level of 61,8% on the Fibonacci sequence. How many points, you decide — it depends on the chosen time interval and tradable instrument (ie the currency pair) in which you trade, the M5-M15 it could be 5-10 points.

9. Next we define the goal of take-profit. Here it is up to you … a lot of variants:

- You can find important Fibonacci levels from trend downward movement to point B and put the profit levels 38.2%, 61.8% Fibonacci

- You can close part of the deal at the census point C, while the rest move to breakeven or to put on a trailing stop

- You can calculate the point of closing the deal on the Fibonacci extension — at a distance of 1.382 — 1.618 — 2.618 of the segment BC

- Well, or your version of …

For transactions to sell at 5-0 — opposite conditions:

I repeat: It’s you and I consider an ideal option 5-0. which is subject to any rules of construction, gives a fairly good momentum of motion (hence we have a great chance to close the deal at a profit) and, as you know, is a combination of a reversal in the market Forex.

BUT, there are 5-0 that do not meet all Fibonacci ratios. due to modifications of the segment BC (it could be greater or less than AB x (1.618-2.24)), while point D is located at the 38,2% Fibonacci, or 61.8% Fibonacci. But the equality of the segments AB and CD also must be met and at the same point D is still located on a line parallel to the channel!


El cambio de divisas se negocia normalmente en el margen. Un depósito relativamente pequeño puede controlar posiciones mucho más grandes en el mercado. For trading the main currencies, SaxoBank requires a 1% margin deposit. Esto significa que con el fin de negociar un millón de dólares, es necesario colocar sólo 10.000 dólares a título de seguridad.

En otras palabras, usted habrá obtenido un gearing de hasta 100 veces. This means that a change of, say 2%, in the underlying value of your trade will result in a 200% profit or loss on your deposit. Vea a continuación ejemplos específicos. As you can see, this calls for a very disciplined approach to trading as both profit opportunities and potential risks are very large indeed. Please refer to our page Forex Rates & Conditions for current Spreads, Margins and Conditions!

Cuando usted negocia, usted negociará siempre una combinación de dos monedas. For example, you will buy US dollars and sell Euro. Or buy Euro and sell Japanese yen, or any other combination of dozens of widely traded currencies. Pero siempre hay un lado largo (comprado) y un corto (vendido) a un comercio, lo que significa que usted está especulando sobre la perspectiva de una de las monedas de fortalecimiento en relación con el otro.

La divisa comercial es normalmente, pero no siempre, la moneda con el valor más alto. When trading US dollars against German marks, the normal way to trade is buying or selling a fixed amount of US dollars, i. e. USD 1,000,000. Al cerrar la posición, se hace el comercio contrario, nuevamente USD 1.000.000. The profit or loss will be apparent in the change of the amount of Euro credited and debited for the two transactions. In other words, your profit or loss will be denominated in Euro, which is known as the price currency. Como parte de nuestro servicio, Saxo Bank cambiará automáticamente sus ganancias y pérdidas en su divisa base si lo requiere.

This way of trading is different to the futures markets, for example, where the marks, francs and yen are the fixed trade currency, resulting in a US dollar denominated profit or loss. You can, however, also choose to trade in this reciprocal manner in foreign exchange markets but it is not the norm.

Al intercambiar divisas, se le cita un spread de negociación que le ofrece una compra y un nivel de venta para su comercio. Una vez que usted acepta el precio ofrecido y recibe la confirmación de nuestros distribuidores, el comercio se hace. No hay necesidad de llamar a un piso de intercambio. No hay otros retrasos que consumen mucho tiempo. Esto es posible debido a los precios de transmisión en vivo, que también son una gran ventaja en tiempos de mercados en rápido movimiento: Usted puede ver donde el mercado está operando y sabes si tus pedidos están llenos o no.

The dealing spread is typically 3-5 points in normal market conditions, e. g. USD/EUR 1.7780-85. This means that you can sell US dollars against the Euro at 1.7780 and buy at 1.7785. No hay más costos, comisiones o comisiones de cambio.

This ensures that you can get in and out of your trades at very low slippage and many traders are therefore active intra-day traders, given that a typical day in USD/EUR presents price swings of 150-200 points.

Cuando el comercio de divisas se cotiza normalmente se cotiza un precio al contado. Esto significa que si no toma más pasos, su transacción se liquidará después de dos días hábiles. Due to the fact that the EU investment directive does not presently cover spot foreign exchange trading we will, however, require you to swap your trade forward at least another two business days. Esto asegura que sus operaciones se llevan a cabo bajo la supervisión de las autoridades reguladoras para su propia protección y seguridad. Si usted es un cliente comercial, puede que tenga que convertir las monedas para los pagos internacionales. Si usted es un inversionista, normalmente querrá intercambiar su comercio a una fecha posterior. Esto puede realizarse diariamente o por un período más largo a la vez. A menudo los inversores intercambiarán sus operaciones adelante en cualquier lugar de una semana o dos hasta varios meses dependiendo del marco de tiempo de la inversión.

Aunque un negocio a término es para una fecha futura, la posición puede cerrarse en cualquier momento - la parte de cierre de la posición es entonces intercambiada hacia adelante a la misma fecha de valor futuro.

Diferentes monedas pagan diferentes tipos de interés. Esta es una de las principales fuerzas impulsoras detrás de las tendencias cambiarias. Es intrínsecamente atractivo para ser un comprador de una moneda que paga una alta tasa de interés, mientras que ser una moneda corta que tiene una tasa de interés baja.

Aunque tales diferenciales de tasas de interés pueden no parecer muy grandes, son de gran importancia en una posición altamente apalancada. For example, the interest rate differential between the US dollar and the Japanese yen has been approximately 5% for several years. In a position that can be supported by a 5% margin deposit, this results in a 100% profit on capital per annum when you buy the US dollar. Of course, an even more important factor normally is the relative value of the currencies, which changed 15% from low to high during 2005 - disregarding the interest rate differential. From a pure interest rate differential viewpoint, you have an advantage of 100% per annum in your favour by being long US dollar, and an initial disadvantage of the same size by being short. Please refer to our page Forex Rates & Conditions for current Spreads, Margins and Conditions!

Such a situation clearly benefits the high interest rate currency and as result, the US dollar was in a strong bull market all through 2005. But it is by no means a certainty that the currency with the higher interest rate will be strongest. Si la razón de la alta tasa de interés es la inflación desbocado, esto puede socavar la confianza en la moneda aún más que los beneficios percibidos de la alta tasa de interés.

Como se puede ver en la descripción anterior, existen oportunidades y riesgos significativos en los mercados de divisas. Aggressive traders might experience profit/loss swings of 20-30% daily. Esto requiere políticas de stop-loss estrictas en posiciones que se mueven en su contra.

Afortunadamente, no hay límites diarios en el comercio de divisas y no hay restricciones en las horas de negociación que no sea el fin de semana. Esto significa que casi siempre habrá una oportunidad de reaccionar a los movimientos en los principales mercados de divisas y un bajo riesgo de ser atrapado sin la oportunidad de salir. Por supuesto, el mercado puede moverse muy rápido y una orden stop-loss no es de ninguna manera una garantía de salir al nivel deseado.

Pero el principal riesgo es realmente un evento durante el fin de semana, donde todos los mercados están cerrados. Esto ocurre de vez en cuando ya que muchos eventos políticos importantes, como las reuniones del G7, normalmente están programados para los fines de semana.

Para el comercio especulativo, siempre recomendamos la colocación de protecciones stop-lossorders. Con Saxo Bank Internet Trading puede fácilmente colocar y cambiar estos pedidos mientras observa el desarrollo del mercado gráficamente en la pantalla de su computadora.

Fab Turbo Forex Review

Our Forex robot can be traded with ANY account size. BIG or SMALL!

We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL Now. lets get to the most important part of all of this. to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time. I want your full attention here. I mean it, this is KEY: Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal. why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones. Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that back-test results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE! So, why am I about to to show you back-test results of FAP Turbo? Bien. and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:

Back-test Results Are Worthless UNLESS You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!

¿Qué significa esto? Well, simple and to the point: if you back-test a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading. Eso es. mo more and no less! So, how did FAP Turbo perform in back-testing? Bien.


Our Forex robot can be traded with ANY account size. BIG or SMALL!

We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL Now. lets get to the most important part of all of this. to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time. I want your full attention here. I mean it, this is KEY: Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal. why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones. Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that back-test results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE! So, why am I about to to show you back-test results of FAP Turbo? Bien. and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:

Back-test Results Are Worthless UNLESS You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!

¿Qué significa esto? Well, simple and to the point: if you back-test a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading. Eso es. mo more and no less! So, how did FAP Turbo perform in back-testing? Bien.

Forex Illuminati – Trading Software Review

New system Forex IlluminatiВ is a brand new software promising to open the door to pip gains. I will review the developers as well as the software and provide you with the details you need in order to make a purchase or not. The price for this system is $197 with a plethora ofВ up sellsВ and it is being sold on the Infusionsoft payment processor.

Tagline: A secret group of millionaire Forex traders opens there doors for the first and only time.

I am not 100% sold onВ Forex IlluminatiВ as really all there is so far is a video sales page. This is not my cup of tea and generally this type of product is from marketers and not actual Forex developers. I dare them to prove me wrong.


At this point the results forВ Forex IlluminatiВ are just screen shots, I will show you an example below of what they are doing. В The problem with this type of Forex results is that it В really cannot show a true image of the strategy itself and thus does not depict how the Forex product will actually perform. В This is not an insinuation aboutВ Forex Illuminati on behalf of Forex Robot Nation but an astute observation of the market for Forex products itself. В

Here at Forex Robot Nation you will be able to find the best reviews onВ Forex IlluminatiВ from real Forex traders. Tenemos una comunidad fuerte que está totalmente involucrada en el proceso de nuestras revisiones de Forex, que incluyen una dedicación a las pruebas y la discusión. Nuestros usuarios y comerciantes expertos podrán ayudarle a ganar un montón de dinero mediante la utilización de sistemas de Forex y estrategias.

If you have any information aboutВ Forex IlluminatiВ that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your thoughts below. Generally the products that get the most posts are obviously the most popular but keep in mind there are many products that don’t have the hype but certainly have the profit.

Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros en cualquier momento con respecto a nuevas Forex Robots, asesores expertos y cualquier software de comercio que sienta que debemos reconocer, revisar y probar.

It is time for you to have your say onВ Forex IlluminatiВ so leave a comment below and tell the Forex Robot Nation community what you think! If you like it or you hate it we want to know everything aboutВ Forex Illuminati.

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LiteForex is a service mark and division of Straighthold Investment Group, one of the most respected online forex trading firms in the industry.

Straighthold Investment Group is a financial services corporation specialized in providing traders from around the world with high quality of online trading services.

LiteForex has established itself as an industry leader by relying on its groundbreaking internet Forex trading platform, unique and revolutionary Forex trading technology and superior customer service.

LiteForex's mission is to harness the power of the internet and provide Forex traders with exceptionally effective trading tools. Forex traders using LiteForex enjoy the most advanced online retail Forex front-end trading in the world via the MetaTrader 4 platform.


Our mission is to provide opportunity for individuals around the world to trade on financial markets under equal conditions like traders operating in traditionally closed financial centers and institutions.

In order to help individual Forex traders make independent and knowledgeable trading decisions, LiteForex provides several types of service completely free of charge: an advanced charting system, powerful technical analyzing tools, daily research reports, Forex market news headlines etc.

LiteForex also offers unlimited virtual Forex trading accounts for each individual. For example for beginner live Forex traders, we offer our unique and revolutionary Forex trading technology that enables traders to become familiar with the real Forex market depositing just ONE DOLLAR.


We combine our market experience and professionalism with the world's best online Forex trading software. LiteForex's trading and margin lines with leading banks and counterparties ensure your Forex trades will be automatically executed with no dealer intervention!

LiteForex ensures that Forex traders experience the highest level of performance, reliability and security by taking advantage of professionally managed network operation centers. Unlike many online trading operations, the Forex trading platform used by LiteForex utilizes industry-standard encryption technology to ensure that all communication between our customers and our Forex servers is completely protected and confidential.


Client funds held by LiteForex are maintained in separate Forex accounts at world recognized financial institutions for the sole purpose of the clients' trading activity and are never combined with the operating capital of the company. Withdrawals from these bank accounts occur only as a direct result of Forex client trading activities or an authorized request for withdrawal.


LiteForex is committed to assisting governments combat money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities around the world. For this purpose LiteForex has set up a highly sophisticated electronic system that documents and verifies client identification records, and tracks and maintains detailed records of all Forex transactions.

For more information on our company and our services, please see the links at the left of this page. If you have any inquiries, please contact us by visiting the following contact page .

Customer support for LiteForex services is exclusively provided through our sophisticated online facilities. The quickest and most reliable way to contact LiteForex is by talking to us directly using the Live Support button at our web site or via ICQ. Additionally you can find helpful Forex information on our Support Forum or in the Live Chat Room on our web site.

Sincerely, Corporate Management Straighthold Investment Group, Inc.

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LГ viennent un moment dans la vie de chacun qu'il commence Г penser au futur et d'oГ№ sa vie va et comment il y arrivera. Ces soucis sont les bons, ils vous font agir dans votre vie. Peut-ГЄtre la meilleure maniГЁre de faire un changement de votre vie est d'investir dans des taux de Forex. C'est un nouveau genre d'investissement qui vous promet de bons bГ©nГ©fices avec le risque presque zГ©ro, puisque vous pouvez dessiner en arriГЁre tout votre argent Г tout moment. Et la meilleure maniГЁre de rГ©ussir aux Forex est de savoir tous les taux de Forex.

La meilleure manière de savoir les taux de Forex est aller en ligne et d'obtenir toute l'information dont vous avez besoin. Vous pouvez trouver tout que l'information, k plus tous les grands Forex évalue dans les emplacements qui sont adaptés particulièrement vers l'investisseur commençant de forex. C'est une bonne chose, puisque vous y arriverez le conseil et aiderez des personnes qui savent jouer le meilleur et également tous les taux de forex dont vous avez besoin afin d'obtenir la meilleure information dont vous avez besoin. Tous les taux de Forex de que vous aurez besoin et voudrez, une fois que vous finissez par savoir des forex meilleurs, est tous là .

** Your actual results may vary depending on which alerts you take, your entry order fill,

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Suggested Trading Rules

1. The FXSignal2u Services is designed for intraday traders seeking 20 to 30+ pips a day.

2. Example of entering a Long (Buy) trade:

"FXSignal2U Alert Signal BUY 00:00:13 (GMT+8) On GBPUSD H1 @1.9801 SL 40 TP 30"

3. Example of entering a Short (Sell) trade:

"FXSignal2U Alert Signal SELL 02:00:13 (GMT+8) On EURJPY H1 @157.02 SL 40 TP 30"

4. Look for a 30 pip Target from the Entry Alert price.

5. Use discretion if trading with a Stop Loss. If you want to use a Stop Loss, we suggest a 40-pip stop loss from the Entry Alert price

6. Money Management of 3% from available equity

7. If a trade is profitable, we suggest using a breakeven stop loss or a trailing stop order to follow the trade for added money management.

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Keep in mind that until a trade is closed out it does not count towards the "100% No loss" stategy since all open positions still have an extremely high probability to close out in profit. That is why we follow strict money management guidelines to allow the floating positions enough time to close out in profit.

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HOW TO TURN $1000 TO $2,000,000,000 WITH FOREX

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Forex Patterns

Looking for something to do after spending over a year in the United Kingdom and I had moved back to my country Nigeria, I searched the internet. What exactly was I looking for? A kind of business in which I would be able to make money right from my living room. Then I stumbled on FOREX. I was really excited I had found exactly what I was looking for, so I started looking for what to read and how to learn to trade. Honestly, at a point it got frustrating because all I could lay my hands on was like “Greek” to me…lol. I couldn’t understand a thing or even know what exactly I was doing.

At the point where I was about to give up hope, a very good friend of mine, who I consider a veteran in FOREX Trading today and one of the best Traders here Nigeria, in my opinion, gave me this site: www. babypips. com and that gave me the basics and foundation that I was looking for. FOREX was broken into bits and pieces for me and I was able learn a whole lot. Was that the answer to all my FOREX questions? Nope. lol….but it was a BIG STEPPING STONE for me, a beginning, it is a wonderful site that broke FOREX down to the elementary level for me.

After getting the foundation I needed from www. babypips. com I still wanted more from what I had already known or learnt. I wanted to take it to the next level. I wanted something more. Something that would give me an idea, what is most likely to happen with price in FOREX, something that would show me when to be bearish and when to be bullish without lagging because at a point I was using indicators like the “Relative Strength Index - RSI” and “Stochastics” to determine when to go “short or long”, but they were lagging.

After going over www. babypips. com like three times in three months and demo trading for about 6mths using RSI and Stochastics, I got the start I wanted, but I wasn’t satisfied. Then I got fed up and decided FOREX wasn’t what I wanted after all. I wasn’t making money like I wanted on my demo account.

Then I stumbled on some videos on www. fxstreet. com and “viola!” got exactly what I wanted. I saw videos on “Gartleys” by Sunil Mangwani, one of the best traders we have today. I also learnt how to use the “Fibonacci” indicator and what we call “Price Action” which is my main indicator today. So I was mentored by Sunil even without meeting him in person. From Gartleys, I learnt the rules of trading other patterns in forex like: Bats, Butterflies, Crabs, Kings Crown, AB=CDs, the 5-0, and the 1-2-3 pattern using the Fibonacci levels for entries and exits. It’s so so amazing what the Fibonacci can do for you while trading.

Subsequently in other posts to come, I will be posting tips on how to trade these patterns to be profitable in forex and some amazing facts about Fibonacci Numbers.

Gartleys, Bats, Butterflies and Crabs are just simple price actions that show you what will most likely happen in trading. Don’t get me wrong; no one knows exactly what will happen next in forex, NO ONE! What we do is use past experiences or occurrence to determine what might most likely happen next. So, Gartleys, Bats, Butterflies and Crabs consist of “an impulsive wave” followed by two corrective waves which give a larger impulsive wave. The rule is the same whether bullish or bearish.

In posts to come, we will discuss all these patterns starting with Gartley in details so we can learn together. Your contributions would be highly appreciated as we are all learning here.

Thanks a lot for reading….

I put the topic as a question because FOREX seems to be the "in thing" in our society today and many people feel it's a fast way of making money and get into it only to hurt themselves the more. Most times we youths of nowadays look for fast ways of making money, atimes by all means, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but FOREX isn't one of the means. If you are looking for fast ways of making money. please stay away from FOREX so you don't get hurt.

I am a Technical FOREX Trader and I have been into it for more than 3years now and I still consider myself as a learner in the business though with some degree of experience I must say. FOREX is just like any other form of business. You need to build it over a period of time.

Let me ask you this question, can a student get into a University to study Medicine and Surgery and decide "I am going to run this course in 6mths and be a Medical Doctor in the 7th month?", I'm sure the answer is "no". This goes for FOREX Trading too. To be a professional in FOREX Trading, you need to know what you are doing in the business. Educate yourself thoroughly. Why would anyone go to war without weapons. lol. That's what you are doing if you jump into the FOREX Business uneducated.

FOREX Trading involves high risks because of the leverage involved, so why would I want to even risk more by just jumping into it with a very shallow knowledge of it. Now, successfull people in forex trading do everything they can to educate themselves so much that they know when to trade and when not to trade. They take time to invest in themselves first.

I could go on and on, Forex Trading is my passion. lol. Now back to the topic "Is FOREX Trading a gold mine?", to me, I would say "YES!". It is a gold mine in the long run. That is when you have educated yourself and prepared so much for the market, then it will be a gold mine for you.

Like i said earlier, I am a Technical Trader who is aware of the Fundamentals, but i don't trade based on the fundamentals, I believe in Trading what I see on the charts. I use "Simple Price Action" in my trades and Chart Patterns. I trade Gartleys, BATs, Crabs, and Butterflies. lol. I love using the Trend lines, Support and Resistance. I use the Fibonacci Tool as well to determine possible retracement levels and extesions too. I love to follow the trend, but atimes at "Key Levels" of support or resistance, I trade "Trend Reversals" using confirmations such as crowns, 123s, bullish and bearish engulfing candles, tweezer tops and bottoms, morning and evening stars. These are methods that have been used over the years and proven to be reliable to a large extent.

As professional traders, what we are majorly concerned about is "Money Management". This is one of the most important aspects in trading. Once you have superb Money Management in place then you are a step in the right direction. Professional Traders think mainly of how to preserve their capital and not mainly on how much profit their going to make. They consider the risks involved first before even considering the profit they will make.

I guess I will take a break for now. I hope I made a bit of sense with what I have said so far? Forex is good business if you have the patience to educate yourself first. More of this will come later. We will show you how we trade in future posts and why we take those trades to show you that FOREX Trading works.

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Forex Robot Fab Turbo REVIEW

What Is the “ Forex Robot Fap Turbo ?”

Long have we all heard the statement:

“Only smart people invest in stock, that’s why they are RICH !”

Well that probably was the case some time ago, due to lack of knowledge from most

in the actual trading of Stock, but times have changed and with the vast amounts of

information that can be found online, investing your money wisely has never been easier!

Now we have probably all heard of all these success stories on day trading, and have probably

looked up videos on YouTube, and such sites, and watched many others make money in just a

matter of seconds from a video.

Well the TRUTH of it all is that similar situations can also happen to you!!

There is no need to know the in and outs of the trading world or to take long study guides and

read them over and over just to try to comprehend what trading is about.

The FOREX team has developed a software program for people like you and me.

It is FULLY AUTOMATED . meaning that you set the standards that you would like, either short

term or long term programs.

What this means for you is the ability to relax and allow this automated “robot” to program what

stocks to buy and when to buy and sell.

The short term program works by earning PIPS (Percentage In Point) or points as they are

sometimes referred to as.

A pip can be broken down to actual figures but what it is in reality is the last decimal number in

every exchange rate or currency pair.

Yes it is a very small number to be gauging, and I’m sure you’re thinking, “How do I make any

Well its fairly simple, since you have a trading robot on autopilot, it process these transactions

multiple times, and sells when the stock starts to decline, and the power if the Forex Robot is

that you are not set to a single company or groups of companies, and by trading with Pips you

are able to move large amounts of money with only a small amount of invested currency.

The Forex Robot highly increases the opportunity to make vast amounts of money!

I has been proven and tested multiple times in order to achieve its accuracy and customer

It is the fasted growing Forex program, and has ensured satisfaction by its providers.

To learn more about how this program can work for you and how it can start making your money

work for you, without any of the hassels of continuously looking at a computer screen, then just

visit the Forex Robot Fab Turbo site for more information.

Lithuanian speaking forex broker - Valeo Fx AB - Bankjobb i Gцteborg

Lithuanian speaking forex broker Valeo Fx AB / Bankjobb / Gцteborg Observera att sista ansцkningsdag har passerat.

Valeo FX AB (Publ) is a Swedish financial institution that is registered with the Swedish FSA and provides services in asset management, currency hedging and factoring.

We are currently looking for new employees that will help us initiate new business relations in Lithuanian speaking countries with the aim to provide top of the line asset management services to companies and private investors.

VFX offers exclusive asset management and financial services to businesses and individuals on the foreign exchange market. Unlike the turbulent stock market, forex trading is more stable and offers better possibilities to calculate and manage risk. Currency trading is a truly good option for investors looking to improve their existing portfolio return or as a way to diversify their existing portfolio.

As a new employee at Valeo FX AB you will spend your first few days getting to know our company, learn the inner workings of the currency market, our products and basic sales techniques.

We believe you need the following skills to be successful for this position: excellent language skills in Lithuanian Basic language skills in English knowledge of the Lithuanian-speaking countries business culture excellent negotiation skills

Previous experience in finance or sales is beneficial.

Arbetstider och omfattning Tillsvidare Heltid

Ersдttning Rцrlig lцn

Sе ansцker du Ange fцljande referens nдr du ansцker: VFX LIT GBG Ansцkan kan skickas till e-postadress: ioannis@valeofx. se

Kontakt Ioannis Makris, Sales manager 031-3139280 ioannis@valeofx. se




Observera att sista ansцkningsdag har passerat.

Spanish speaking forex broker - Valeo Fx AB - Bankjobb i Gцteborg

Spanish speaking forex broker Valeo Fx AB / Bankjobb / Gцteborg Observera att sista ansцkningsdag har passerat.

Valeo FX AB (Publ) is a Swedish financial institution that is registered with the Swedish FSA and provides services in asset management, currency hedging and factoring.

We are currently looking for new employees that will help us initiate new business relations in Spanish speaking countries with the aim to provide top of the line asset management services to companies and private investors.

VFX offers exclusive asset management and financial services to businesses and individuals on the foreign exchange market. Unlike the turbulent stock market, forex trading is more stable and offers better possibilities to calculate and manage risk. Currency trading is a truly good option for investors looking to improve their existing portfolio return or as a way to diversify their existing portfolio.

As a new employee at Valeo FX AB you will spend your first few days getting to know our company, learn the inner workings of the currency market, our products and basic sales techniques.

We believe you need the following skills to be successful for this position: excellent language skills in Spanish Basic language skills in English knowledge of the Spanish-speaking countries business culture excellent negotiation skills

Previous experience in finance or sales is beneficial.

Arbetstider och omfattning Tillsvidare Heltid

Ersдttning Rцrlig lцn

Sе ansцker du Ange fцljande referens nдr du ansцker: VFX SPA GBG Ansцkan kan skickas till e-postadress: ioannis@valeofx. se

Kontakt Ioannis Makris, Sales manager 031-3139280 ioannis@valeofx. se




Observera att sista ansцkningsdag har passerat.

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Forex Copier 1.32.5 by Forex Tester Software Inc.

Editor's review:

This software is useful in Forex trading.

Forex Signal Copier is a tool that allows copying orders between MetaTrader 4 accounts. It will work with any MT4 platforms. These MT4 accounts could be of any type such as ECN support, 4/5 digit support, etc. There are several scenarios where you could use this tool. One of the key underlying conveniences is its ability to copy data from one MT4 account to another or more than one account. Individual traders can manage several accounts at the same time. This tool can be used by professional traders to start signals service. The use scenarios could be as follows. You would be able to copy trades from another account on MT4 for which you have the password, to your account. This account could be any sized. The lot sizes to be copied could be adjusted. This can be done when you have access to multiple accounts too.

If you hold multiple accounts or an accounts manager, you could use this tool to duplicate trades from your main account to all other accounts. Lot sizes can be adjusted according to the size of each receiving account. You could become a signals trader and provide trading signals to customers. You could be notified of all changes such as opening positions, modifying positions, closing positions, moving stop loss/take profit, etc. Like doing everything with the stock market, there are no guarantees with results, what should let you decide is what happens most of the time. That’s where trial comes in. This is a remarkably good candidate for trying out. You should try it in your exact workflow.

Publisher's description:

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Thread: Forex Patterns

The Best Forex Patterns A buying opportunity in EURCAD currency pairs The following chart is about EURCAD currency pairs in 1 hour time frame which according to the technical analyses and their indicators we can expect a good buying opportunity.

This buying opportunity appears several times in this chart.

A buying opportunity in EURCAD currency pairs Harmonic pattern of AB=CD

The main technical pattern in this example is the harmonic pattern of AB=CD which has the ideal ratios of 127.2=78.6. This pattern is one of the strongest reversal patterns which mostly forms during the price corrections. Other important ratios of this pattern are 161.8=61.8 or 200=50 which they have golden ratios.

Candle stick patterns

In forming the D dot, the formation way of the candlestick patterns is very important. In this example, the formation way of the candles shows that a bottom price is formed and the falling of the prices is stopped. Among the formed candles, there is an inverted hammer candle stick pattern which shows the possibility of stopping of price falling as you can see in the picture.

Observing the fifth waves of Eliots’ waves pattern

Type of formed candlestick patterns with the important pattern of AB=CD is a very important warning about the rising of the price. At this time, another technical analysis, Eliots’ waves, reinforces this rising of the price. On the CD side of AB=CD pattern you see a movement of the fifth wave of Eliots’ wave which obeys all of the important rules of the Eliots’ waves and also issues the end the falling process. The combination of the Eliots’ waves and harmonic patterns provide a clear analysis of the market for the traders.

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GBPCHF, H4 Harmonic patterns and Elliott waves.

Elliott waves and harmonic patterns are two most important technical analyses in order to predict the currency and stocks’ market. Many traders are using these analyses to be more successful. Although, these technical analyses are separated and different from each other but in fact they cooperate very well in the market. For example, a Harmonic Gartley pattern, most of the times, forms in the second wave of an advanced wave which, in fact, is the correction of the first wave movement. This formation happens several times in charts and at the same time sends good signals to technical traders. The following chart is GPB/CHF currency pairs in 4h time frame which shows the above point perfectly. However, A harmonic pattern’s expert can easily determine and draw this pattern which consists of X, AB, C,D points. When the point D is forming, a movement in the fifth advanced wave is also forming (from D to E). This simultaneous formation duplicate the importance of Crab pattern. These 5 waves, which are in complete accord with the Eliot’s rules, are determined by the green color:

The third advanced wave is not the smallest wave.

The fourth wave has an acceptable overlap with the first wave.

The corrective wave of number 2 has a good reversal. (The second wave cannot start correction until the first one starts)

Another important point is the clarity state of fifth wave which confirms and issues the end of main fifth wave.

In studying Eliot’s wave, when we want to open a position unlike the current trend, it is logical to get a confirmation from the fifth wave. This confirmation is the internal counting of fifth advanced wave. When a trader counts the fifth wave correctly and according to the Eliot’s rules, he will have a successful trade. In this chart, the internal counting, which is according to the above rules, is determined by the blue color. Finally, it shows that the completion of these five waves is finished with a smaller ratio in the main fifth wave.

www. fxmim. com Written by the analytic team of FXMIM Company

Technical Analysis(AUDCAD) A short study of descending channel in the price charts

Price channels are very useful tools in technical analysis to predict the future movement of the price. Price Channels consist of peak and bottom price, in fact they are like supportive and resistance lines. The following chart is the chart of audcad which you can see the descending price channel in it, also you can study the rules of prediction of a price channel movement in it very well.

Exchanging in the price channels

When a price channel is in a falling position the priority is with selling opportunities. Visa versa, when the channel is in a rising position the priority is with the buying opportunities. However, the best kind of trades, which have less risk, is trading according to the general trend line of the price.

In the drowned price channel, the basic points are determined by the red color. They consist of two price peaks. a descending trend line is shaped by Connecting these two lines will. As you can see, when the price reached this line for the third time, it did not have the ability to pass it and just a long shadow of the line remained. This long shadow is the sign of buyer’s lost. Continuing this process, the line forced the price to go even lower. From technical point of view, this time, is the best time for selling. Another important point here is the supportive line of this channel. This supportive line helped the price to improve its position and go higher twice. In the point number 4, a beautiful hammer pattern is formed which issued the warning of a rise in the price very well.

Another important point in this channel is in the drowned supportive line. To draw the channel or the supportive level we should use the point number 2.most of the traders ignore this point and connect point 3 to point 1 directly which is wrong. (The bottom price in the point 3 is under the influence of point 1 and 2.

Written by the analytic team of FXMIM Company www. fxmim. com

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Join Date Mar 2012

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Forex Strategies and Tips

An up-thrust day is when the close for the current period surpasses the previous period's close. A down-thrust day is when the close for the current period is below the previous period's close.

Similar to spike and reversal days, thrust days signify both the strength in the market as well as the possibility of directional reversals. A series of up-thrust days would suggest a pronounced up trend, while a series of down-thrust days would indicate a downtrend dictated by seller dominance in the market.

An up run day occurs when the true high of the run day surpasses the true high for the past N days, and when the true low is less than the minimum true low on the following N days. A down run day is simply the mirror image of an up run day

Run days can be thought of as a trend-following indicator in the sense that they can only be identified N days after the trend has past. As a result, they may not be ideal for forecasting direction, but can be used as confirmation that a clear trend has in fact manifested itself.

Prepaid By ahmer ilyas at 00:23

A reversal large working day is a day in which the significant value reaches a stage greater when compared to the preceding high, after which reverses to close underneath the previous close. Like spike days, a reversal large working day's mirror image is actually a reversal very low working day, in which the industry sets a different small in advance of reversing to close previously mentioned the previous near. Also like spike days, the importance of reversal times will increase when There's a previous up trend (for reversal substantial times) or perhaps a previous downtrend (for reversal lower days).

Even though reversal days are broadly watched and consequently warrant consideration from all traders, they are still vulnerable to yielding quite a few Bogus trade alerts. Subsequently, a lot of traders who count closely on candlestick designs prefer to see a reversal superior working day reverse to close below not merely the previous working day's close, and also the previous day's minimal. This signifies a powerful reversal on the market, suggesting that sellers have taken control and that now could be a time and energy to enter a short situation.

The chart below illustrates how reversal day can be determined and the things they can sign for traders who pick to include them into their trading arsenal.

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While fundamental analysis helps illustrate the larger forces affecting the currency market, andlong-term prospects for economic health, it has some critical failings.

First, the almost limitlessamount of factors that can be plugged into a forecast model might force a trader into a perpetualstate of analysis, unable to pull the trigger on potential deals.

More importantly, however, isfundamental analysis' uselessness in predicting entry and exit points. Technical analysis, on theother hand, ignores fundamental forces, focusing on short-term currency movements to identifytrends and determine exactly when and what to buy and sell. A trend is basically a prolonged price movement in a one direction. An upward trend can beidentified by sketching a line beneath a series of lows; a downward trend by tracing a line above aseries of highs.

Over time, recurring price trends form support and resistance levels, or barriers atthe top and bottom of the trading level.

It is difficult for currencies to penetrate these levels because, over time, supply/demand has been built up in adequate abundance at both levels—demand at thefloor, supply at the ceiling. These levels are obvious positions for buy/sell orders.

Once these levelsare definitively broken, however, they tend to form the opposite barrier. Dow TheoryTechnical analysis is based on the Dow Theory, which rests on a number of

1. Price is a comprehensive reflection of all market forces. All the fundamental indicatorsdescribed above almost immediately find expression in market pricing.

2. Price movements are trend followers. There are three types of trends: primary, secondaryand daily fluctuations.

Primary trend: A primary trend remains in effect until definitive signals prove otherwise. Secondary trend: A secondary trend reacts against the primary trend, and is a temporaryphenomenon. In a bull market, a secondary trend is called a correction; in a bear marketsecondary trends are sometimes called reaction rallies. A secondary trend can retrace up to2/3 (usually 50%) towards the starting point of the trend before resuming its primary course. Daily fluctuations: There is very little opportunity for forecasting daily fluctuations.

Overemphasis on daily fluctuations can easily lead to loss.

3. Primary trends are composed of three stages:

accumulation/distribution, run-up/run-downand irrational pessimism/optimism.

13Accumulation/distribution: During the first stage, knowledgeable traders buy/sell stocksagainst consensus.

Run-up/run-down: This is the longest stage of the cycle. The market begins to move, thetrend is identified and trend followers jump aboard/bail out.

Run-up/run-down is the longest stage of the cycle. At somepoint, investors experience irrational exuberance/despair, and the knowledgeable investorwill distribute/buy holdings in anticipation of the start of a new cycle.

4. The volume of trades must confirm the trend. Movement on low volume trades can beattributed to many different ephemeral factors; high volume movements are indicative of thetrue direction of the market.

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REST API (новое приложение) от OANDA, реализованное независимым от языка программирования, позволяет трейдерам выбирать предпочтительные языки программирования с прямой интеграцией в платформу FxTrade. Это идеальное решение для независимых трейдеров, заинтересованных в автоматизации торговых стратегий.


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Торговля такими высокорисковыми продуктами, как контракты на иностранную валюту, драгоценные металлы и контракты на разницу (CFD), с использованием кредитного плеча может подходить не всем. Мы советуем вам рассмотреть вопрос, подходит ли вам эта торговля с учетом вашего опыта, целей, финансовых ресурсов, толерантности к риску и других соответствующих обстоятельств. Поскольку вы можете потерять все ваши средства или их часть, вы должны убедиться, что полностью понимаете все риски. Рекламные акции и претензии применимы только к самостоятельной розничной торговле. Более подробные сведения см. в уведомлении о рисках: http://www. oanda. com/legal/

Контракты на разницу НЕДОСТУПНЫ для резидентов Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Комиссией по торговле товарными фьючерсами (CFTC) установлены следующие ограничения размера заемного капитала, которым могут пользоваться трейдеры-физические лица на рынке «форекс» в США & # 8212; 50:1 по основным валютным парам и 20:1 по другим парам валют. OANDA Asia Pacific предлагает максимальный размер заемного капитала (50:1) по продуктам «форекс». По операциям с контрактами на разницу применяются ограничения размера заемного капитала. Максимальный размер заемного капитала для клиентов OANDA Canada устанавливается Организацией по регулированию инвестиционной деятельности Канады (IIROC) и может изменяться. Подробная информация приводится на нашем сайте и в разделе, посвященном выполнению требований финансовых регулирующих органов .

& # 169; 1996–2015 OANDA Corporation. Все права защищены. Товарные знаки OANDA, fxTrade и семейство товарных знаков fx принадлежат OANDA Corporation. Все прочие товарные знаки, представленные на этом сайте, являются собственностью соответствующих владельцев.

Торговля контрактами на иностранную валюту или иными внебиржевыми продуктами с использованием маржи и кредитного плеча влечет высокие риски и подходит не всем инвесторам. Рекомендуем вам тщательно оценить, подходят ли вам такие торговые операции с учетом ваших личных обстоятельств. Ваши убытки могут превысить объем ваших инвестиций. Информация, приведенная на данном сайте, носит общий характер. Рекомендуем вам до начала торговли обратиться за помощью к независимым консультантам и убедиться, что вы полностью понимаете все сопутствующие риски. Торговля посредством онлайн-платформы влечет дополнительные риски. См. раздел «Правовые вопросы» здесь .

Финансовый спред-беттинг доступен только клиентам OANDA Europe Ltd, являющимся резидентами Соединенного Королевства или Республики Ирландия. Контракты на разницу, функции хеджирования МТ4 и кредитное плечо свыше 50:1 недоступны для резидентов Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Компания с ограниченной ответственностью OANDA Europe Limited зарегистрирована в Англии, регистрационный номер 7110087, юридический адрес: Tower 42, Floor 9a, 25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HQ. Деятельность компании лицензирована и регулируется Управлением финансового надзора. лицензия № 542574.

OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. — первый директор по операциям с финансовыми инструментами типа Kanto Local Financial Bureau (Kin-sho), рег. № 2137; член Ассоциации финансовых фьючерсов, рег. № 1571.

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To facilitate the experienced traders to try and switch brokers and the new traders to begin to trade in Forex, Forex TSD Forum has made an agreement with some of the broker center listed brokers.

Brokers pay Forex TSD Forum a fee to be listed on this page, so a claim of complete independence cannot be made. However, the information will be provided impartially of all the brokers. (Please consult detailed information in the Broker Center).

Even more importantly, a sticky thread will be created of the corresponding broker in the Broker Talk section. A daily maintain will be hold by staffs of the broker and Forex TSD Forum will look after the thread about the quality and efficiency of the solutions provided by the brokers. To reward the adventurous traders, Forex TSD Forum will provide a package of indicators that will give information of the market in an advanced way: Once the real trading account is verified, the trader will receive the package of the neutral indicators selected by experts of Forex TSD Forum and has the right to select 6 indicators/EAs he likes in the premium forum and Forex TSD will send all those to him for free. Best regards, Forex TSD Team​

Re: Forex TSD IB Announcement

To open a real account with the Forex TSD IB agreement Broker, you can click on the button Open live of the corresponding broker in the Broker center page. After finish the process of registration and verification, the user should send an email to Support@forex-tsd. com with the list of indicator he/she wants from the premium sections. As soon as we can confirm the information with the Broker, the indicators will be sent to the users ‘email. Any consult and question should be sent to Support@forex-tsd. com.


Re: Forex TSD IB Announcement

You can find the list of the IB broker in this thread.


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which was established in the wake of World War II.

Thus, and despite the fact that the WTO is still the modern multilateral trading system, which was originally set up under the GATT had reached fifty years old. System celebrate the golden jubilee in Geneva on May 19, 1998 in the presence of many heads of state and government leaders

The last twenty years have seen exceptional growth in world trade. Exports of goods has increased an average of 6% per year and helped the GATT and the WTO to establish a strong trading system stunning which contributed to an unprecedented growth. The system has evolved through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under the banner of the GATT, the first rounds concessions, mainly to reduce tariffs. It included following negotiations elsewhere such as resistance to dumping and procedures that do not belong to tariffs. The last round of the 1986 to 1994 led to the establishment of the World Trade Organization.

Negotiations did not end at this point, but some negotiations continued after the end of the Uruguay Round. In February 1997 an agreement has been reached regarding wireless telecommunications services with the consent of the Government of the 69 editorial procedures and a wide range that went beyond those agreed at the Uruguay Round.

In the same year the Government of forty successfully completed a private trade negotiations without special definitions of information technology products, as completed seventy of the Member States and financial services deal covers more than 95% of trade in banking, insurance, securities and financial information. WTO members also agreed at the ministerial meeting in May 1998 to study the emerging trade positions of global e-commerce. In 2000, especially in agriculture and services new negotiations began. The WTO is the only global organization relevant international laws on trade between nations. The basic task of the organization is to ensure the flow of trade as smooth as possible and convenience and freedom. Desired result is that warranty. Consumers and product both knew the possibility of ensuring the enjoyment of the continuous supply of goods while ensuring the widest selection of finished products and components and raw materials as well as production services. Thus, both producers and exporters to ensure that foreign markets will remain open to them always. Unrealized result of all this is to create a world of economic prosperity and peace.

The other result is confidence. That consumers and producers know that they can enjoy a guaranteed supply and a wider choice of components and raw materials and finished products and services they use. And that the producers and exporters know that foreign markets will remain open to them.

The result is also an economic prosperous world enjoy the peace and be more responsible. It is typically decision-making in the WTO unanimously by the Member States and be ratified by the parliaments of the Member States. The objection regarding trade disputes through the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, where the focus is on interpreting agreements and commitments, and how to ensure that trade policies of the countries of their commitment. In this way, the risk goes down that the differences extend to political or military conflicts go down. And to reduce trade barriers, the WTO system also removes other barriers between individuals and nations. Decisions in the WTO are usually unanimous vote of the Member States and then later be approved by the parliaments of countries. Any trade disputes turned into a dispute settlement mechanism in the organization where they are resorting to the conventions and treaties to ensure that the systems and trade policies of the States comply with it. In this way, the risk of disputes turning into a political or military conflicts plummet. By reducing trade barriers in the World Trade Organization regulations lead to reduce the barriers between nations and states. That the system axis known as the multilateral trading system aspects is the WTO agreements and signed by the majority of the world's business and approved by their parliaments. The foundations of those conventions and legal rules for international trade and is based in the decades to ensure that Member States are important trade rights as governments are required to preserve the continuity of their trade policies in the framework of the limits of acceptable in the interest of everyone. They discussed them that the agreements signed by governments as governments is that the purpose of these agreements in the foundation is to help producers of goods and providers of goods and services, exporters and importers to manage their business successfully, leading to the benefit and welfare of the peoples of Member States Terms of reference.

The primary objective of the WTO is to help trade flow and flow easily and predictably and freely. The organization this by: Management on trade agreements. Presence as a forum for negotiations on trade. Resolving disputes related to trade. A review of national policies related to trade. Assist developing countries in issues related to trade policy through technological assistance and training programs. Cooperation with other international organizations. the structure WTO membership includes more than 140 members representing more than 90% of world trade. The 30 others are negotiating about membership. Decisions are made by all members, and be unanimous. The ratification of the WTO agreements by the parliaments of all Member States. Supreme decision-making body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which is held once every two years at least. General Council comes in ranked next (includes generally ambassadors and Heads of delegations in Geneva, but sometimes includes senders officials from the capitals of Member States), which is held several times a year at the headquarters in Geneva. The General Council also held as a review of policies Trade Commission as well as the dispute settlement body. There is the next level in both the goods and services the Council and the Council of Intellectual Property (TRIPS), which reports to the General Council. Address many of the specialized committees and working groups and task forces with the conventions, each agreement separately and other topics such as the environment, development, membership applications and regional trade agreements. First Ministerial Conference in Singapore in 1996 added three new working groups to this structure. And it is concerned with the relationship between trade and investment and the interaction between trade and competition policy, transparency in government procurement. In the second ministerial meeting in Geneva in 1998 of Ministers decided that the WTO will also examine the subject of e-commerce, a task that will be divided between the existing councils and committees.

purchase and sale on an ongoing basis and at the same time over a local and global markets and increase investment traffickers or decrease in value based on currency movements

Can the foreign exchange market conditions can change at any time in response to events in real time.

The main catalyst for currency trading for private investors and gravity about trading in foreign currency in the short term are: trading 24 hours a day, five days a week, with the entrance does not stop for traders in foreign currencies in the world. Additional incentives for trading in foreign currencies: Enormous liquidity to the market to make it easy for trading in most currencies Volatile markets offer opportunities for profit Foreign currency standard tools to control the level of risk exposure Profit potential in the high or low market Leverage trading strongly with low margin requirements. Several options for trading without commission Trading in foreign currencies

Investor goal from trading in foreign currencies and make a profit from foreign currency movements. In pairs are traded in foreign currencies always. For example, the euro / US dollar exchange rate on August 26, 2003 price was 1.0857. And also referred to this figure "of foreign currency at a price" or "price" only for short. If the investor had bought 1000 euros on that date, it would pay US $ 1085.70. And a year later, the price was 1.2083, which means that the value of the euro (the numerator of the ratio of the euro / US $) has increased its relationship with the US dollar. The investor can now sell the 1000 euros to receive instead of US $ 1208.30. Thus, the investor will have US $ 122.60 more than they began it since years ago. However, to determine if the investor did a good investment, one must compare this investment option with alternative investments. At least, you should compare the investment returns on the investment returns "risk-free". An example of risk-free investment is US government bonds for the long term because there is almost no possibility of failure to repay, as if the US government go bankrupt or be unable or unwilling to fulfill the commitment of the religion. (Please note that past performance is not indicative of future performance). When trading in foreign currencies, trade only when you expect to increase the currency you want to purchase, compared with the currency in which it sells in return value. If the value of the currency rose that I bought, you must re-sell the other currency in order to close a profit. Open trading process (also called open position) is the process of trading, where the shops to purchase or sell a particular currency pair and has yet to resell or buy the equivalent amount to close that center. However, it is estimated that between 70% to 90% of the foreign exchange market is speculation. Last, the person or company that bought or sold the currency in the sense not really have a plan in the currency received in the end, but it was the only conflict on the movement of that particular currency. exchange rate: Because currencies are traded in pairs and are trading with each other when traded, the price at which trading is done at the exchange rate is called. The majority of currencies are traded against the US dollar (USD). And the four most actively traded currencies thus is the euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), Pound Sterling (GBPS) and Swiss franc (CHF). These five currencies make up the majority of the market and are called major currencies or "Home." The intervention of some sources, the Australian dollar (AUD) is also set to the majors. Referred to as the first currency in the currency pair the base currency and the currency of the second currency or counter currency pricing or counter currency. Anti currency or quote currency is thus the numerator in the ratio, and the base currency is the denominator. Be the value of the base currency (denominator) is always 1. For this, the exchange rate tells how much the buyer need of anti-currency (interview) or the pricing currency for one unit of the base currency. And the seller tells the exchange rate also will get how much of the anti-currency (interview) or quote currency when selling one unit of the base currency. For example, the euro / US dollar exchange rate 1.2083 specifies to the buyer of the euro that must be paid US $ 1.2083 for 1 euro. At any point, time and place, if an investor buys any currency and sold directly - and did not get the movement in the price of Ab v - the investor will lose money. This is because the offer price, which represents how much will receive the counter currency (the interview) when selling one unit of the base currency, is always lower than the asking price, which represents how much he has to pay the counter currency (the interview) or quote currency when buying one unit of the base currency. For example, prices of bid / ask EUR / USED at your bank may be 1.2015 / 1.3015, and is representing the difference value of 1000 points (one point = 0.0001), and is very high compared to the price bid / ask currency deals by investors in foreign currencies on the Internet in the habit, such as 1.2015 / 1.2020, a difference of 5 points. On the whole the least difference better for investors in foreign currency as it requires even the smallest movements in the exchange rate in order to profit from the trading process. Most traders are compensated in foreign currencies, including (Easy-Forex), included in the price of the currency differences. Margin - the amount of risk it: You need banks and / or trading via the Internet service providers guarantee to ensure that the investor can pay in case of loss. Guarantee is called the margin and is also known as minimum security in the foreign exchange markets. In practice, the margin is a deposit to the trader's account is intended to cover any losses in trading currencies in the future. Margin of investors can trade in markets where high minimum units of trading by allowing them to retain greater than the value of the status of their account. Margin trading increases the rate of profit, but they tend to inflate rates of loss, as well as the overall risk. Leverage strongly funding: Leverage strongly financing, no credit use, it is like buying a deal on margin, and is very common in foreign currencies. The loan is secured in the margin trading account through your initial deposit. This can result in the possibility of trading the amount of up to US $ 100,000 in the amount of US $ 1000 a few. Can a relatively small movement in the market to have a significant impact on the proportion of funds deposited by or that you deposited. And this can work against you. Where you can incur a total loss of the margin funds deposited and any additional funds deposited to maintain Where you are in the market. Five ways investors can be traded in foreign currency, either directly or indirectly: Direct market Contracts and future-oriented Options Contracts Contracts difference Bet on the difference Trading process directly: Direct trading process is a process of simple exchange of one currency to another. Direct Price is the current market price, also called the standard price. Direct trading operations do not require immediate settlement, or payment "immediately". Settlement date, or "value date," is the second business day after "the date of the operation" (or "trade date") on which the agreement process between the traffickers have been in it. Give a time period of two days to confirm the agreement and arrange the clearing and debit and submission of certification of bank accounts in different geographic locations. Risk: The trading of foreign currency risk. There are ways to minimize the risk as a selection is to stop the loss on the process. Read more about the risks associated with and how to reduce exposure to risk. Further reading: To learn more about the issues raised in the previous article, see also the daily trading, leverage and trading currency pairs strongly. To find out more about foreign currency provided tools (Easy-Forex)

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Wer sich dafür entscheidet in den Handel mit Währungen einzusteigen, trifft damit eine erstklassige Wahl. Wer etwas von seinem Handwerk versteht und ein Quäntchen Glück mitbringt, kann langfristig sehr interessante Renditen einfahren und ein Vollzeitjob aus dem Traden machen. Währungshandel ist es sehr weites Feld und es gibt unheimlich viele Möglichkeiten sich fortzubilden und seine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Häufig hören Anfänger jedoch früh wieder auf, da sie kein gutes Risikomanagement anwenden und an einem dubiosen Broker geraten.

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50AEin Forex Broker Vergleich ist nur dann sinnvoll, wenn er objektiv und am besten von mehreren Personen geschaffen wurde und genau das ist hier der Fall. In unseren umfangreichen Erfahrungsberichten geben wir dir einen Einblick in die Welt der jeweiligne Broker, sodass du selbst entscheiden kannst, ob dieser der richtige für dich ist, oder ob du lieber weitersuchen möchtest. Im Endeffekt ist dies nämlich eine sehr individuelle Entscheidung und hängt stark vom jeweiligen Händler ab. Neben den harten Fakten wie den Gebühren und Boni spielt nämlich auch das Gefühl der Sicherheit eine große Rolle – und dieses ist sehr subjektiv.

So solltst du den Forex Broker Vergleich nutzen

Betrachte unseren Forex Broker Vergleich als eine erste Anlaufstelle um dir einen Eindruck von den eweiligen Anbietern zu machen. Wähle 2-3 aus die dir auf den ersten Blick gefallen und lese dir unsere Erfahrungsberichte sorgfältig durch. Wenn du dich für einen Broker entschieden hast, eröffne ein Konto und sieh dich etwas um. Wenn mit der Handelsumgebung zufrieden bist, kannst du eine Einzahlung vornehmen und mit dem Traden beginnen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn du im Anschluss Kontakt mit uns aufnimmst und deine Erfahrungen mit dem Broker schilderst. Dies hilft uns dabei festzustellen wo es Probleme gibt. Gerne kannst du auch eine Bewertung abliefern und somit anderen Händlern helfen den perfekten Broker für sie zu finden!

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An introducing broker is a broker-dealer that contracts with a clearing firm to handle the execution and settlement of orders that the introducing firm receives from its clients or its own trading desk to buy and sell securities. The 5Stars Introducing Broker (IB) Program offers the opportunity to earn a substantial, ongoing commission on the trading activity of any clients that are referred to 5Stars.

As a leading Forex trading firm in the market, 5Stars sets a highly-competitive IB commission rate and offers the most cutting-edge tracking tools for introducing brokers in the Forex marketplace. It is in our best interest that you will be successful as an introducing broker. Contributing with our experience and sales support, we can discuss with you the best ways to get our partnership started so you will be proud of being a partner of 5Stars Forex

Benefits of being IB with 5Stars Forex:

You give your clients access to the excellent trading ECN/STP environment and leading online trading platforms

A personal IB Account Manager who is always there to support and assist you.

Detailed tracking to allow you to see conversion rates, commissions, pending accounts, and more

Access to our full suite of marketing materials

IB’s commission rebates do not affect clients’ commission size

You become partner with a respectful and nationally awarded brokerage company

5Stars has become a leading Forex broker largely through word-of-mouth recommendations from our clients. We are honored to have received such positive feedback from our fellow traders we would like to say thank you. The Alliance program is our way of rewarding you for your willingness to spread the word about 5Stars Forex. As an IB you will earn rebates on every trade that your clients make, all you have to do is explain to people the benefits of trading financial products such as Forex, CFDs and Commodities; 5Stars Forex will take care of the rest.

Feel free to contact us at partners@5starsforex. com to find out more about our IB program and how we can meet your requirements. To well-experienced partners we can offer customized solutions.

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EXNESS (CY) LTD (nomor registrasi HE 293057) disahkan dan diatur oleh Lembaga Sekuritas dan Penukaran Mata Uang Siprus (CySEC), Lisensi No. 178/12.

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EXNESS LIMITED (VC), nomor registrasi 21927 (IBC 2014)

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Last edited by pwx ; 12-12-2008, 17:55.

Valhalla Capital Group is registered with the NFA as an Independent Introducing Broker. We have partnered with many different MT4 Brokers allowing us to get you set up for our Paid to Trade program.

Tradeview Forex( Ikon Royal) ODL Securites FXDD FXCM

Coming Soon: Forex. com Varengold MIG InterbankFX

If you trade on a broker that’s not listed, just email us at info@valhallacapital. com and we will see about adding them to our broker directory.

Specials for Forex TSD Members Sign up with FXDD, Tradeview or FXCM and receive double the rebate through March 31st 2009. Just email us your Name, account # and Forex tsd username to receive double rebates when you open your account with us.

Please PM me if you have any questions

Last edited by Capital Ventures ; 18-12-2008, 00:31.


I am using cashbackfx from rebates. I just listed them as a IB so I can not tell you if they are any good or not.


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Cara Follow Forexcopy Trader. Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana caranya untuk follow trader yang akan kita ikuti dalam program forexcopy. Silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

1. Silahkan anda login ke personal kabinet menggunakan data anda masing-masing, melalui link berikut: https://cabinet. instaforex. com/client/login

2. Setelah masuk ke dalam klien kabinet, proses selanjutnya untuk mengcopy trader, silahkan buka link berikut: https://www. instaforex. com/forexcopy_monitoring. php? trader=2230106 setelah itu, klik tombol " Copy Trader " seperti yang tertera pada gambar berikut ini:

3. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa ke halaman baru untuk men-setting pengaturan pengcopian trading, pastikan settingan seperti pada gambar di bawah ini:

4. Selanjutnya, silahkan anda klik " Subscribe ". Maka akan muncul halaman dialog, silahkan anda klik " OK " seperti pada gambar berikut:

5. Proses selesai.

Demikian penjelasan artikel mengenai cara follow program forexcopy, semoga bermanfaat.

FXCC is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and operates under the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). FXCC is listed on the FCA Register (Reference Number 549790) and EEA Authorized. . Lee mas

The FXCC Affiliate programme permits affiliates to track their revenue and perform detailed analysis on their referrals. As an affiliate you can forensically analyse your reporting by: country, currency pair, clients' balance, or rebate levels. At a glance our affiliates can detect which of your . Lee mas

With the fxcc. com Forex Introducing Broker (IB) program, we welcome you to sample and benefit from our advanced technologies and expertise that help our partners remain successful. Becoming an IB grants you access to tools and features within our specialized HUB section and enable . Lee mas

ADVERTENCIA SOBRE RIESGOS: El comercio de Forex y Contratos por Diferencia (CFD), que son productos apalancados, es altamente especulativo e implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida. Es posible perder todo su capital. Por lo tanto, Forex y CFDs pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Sólo invierta con dinero que puede permitirse perder. So please ensure you fully understand the risks involved. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

(estimated and based on current bid) To be provided at checkout help icon for delivery - opens a layer

This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab

Varies for items sent from an international location

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You’ll see an estimated delivery date - opens in a new window or tab based on the seller’s dispatch time and delivery service. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods and will depend on when your payment clears - opens in a new window or tab .

Details about Forex Trading "Magic IB System"


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